twilight moms


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
i cant believe 14 year old son showed me this the other night..apparently, there is a forum that is for middle aged women who lust after the dorky guys in the twilight movies.

Considering that it was my MIL and SIL that got me to even bother reading the first one... NOT so much a shock for me.

This doesn't even include that they stayed up to buy tickets at midnight, then arrived early (blowing off babysitting for us -special occasion) so they could see the film... yeah, it's a wee bit weird that 40-70 year old women are lusting after 20's guys...

But then... men have been doing it for centuries...

Edit... after Blue's Clues original guy was replaced THEN suddenly there was an outcry from all these married, older, women (moms) who had a thing for him... so, it's not limited to the Twilight madness.
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its bad here where i live...women older than i am with their stupid tshirts all losing their minds over these guys..i wish that the tables could be turned and we could see older men lusting after really young girls..i wonder if everyone would think it was as "cute" ?
Nah.. they'd call all the old men pervs... or Chester..
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"Edward" was born in '86 making him 24 years old.
"Jacob" was born in '92 making him 18 years old.

For decades men have been lusting after 18-25 year olds with no problem. But, the minute a woman has the nerve to have a thing for a guy with a little (non-drug induced) stamina society goes nuts and calls them cougars. Double standard much?

Honestly, I wouldn't go for either, assuming I was single. But that's just me... I have issues... particularly with robbing a cradle and my own physical self-conscience stuff... again, I admit, I have issues. But if these young guys want to get an education from an experienced lady, experience that may prove quite nice for their future wives... well I'm not going to knock it... been going on for decades/centuries.

What disturbed me the most was seeing a girl in my DD's class, that would be FIRST GRADE all of SEVEN years old, toting around a copy. Now, I'm all for reading, do NOT get me wrong. And I understand that some kids are used to more "adult topics" but a seven year old reading about conception and childbirth is a bit much for this (surprisingly) old-fashioned girl to take. But, then again, this is the girl that showed up for 1st grade graduation in a prom dress (low cut, floor length satin) while her mom who destroyed her marriage by sleeping with her hubby's brother cheered her on... so grain of salt on that one.
I never got the whole obsessed fan thing as a teen, and I guess that I still don't get it. I get the whole cute guy thing, but I don't find that I want to raise another husband. I have one that can do housework and make himself a sandwich. I am not going to upset the apple cart now.

Of course if I had tried to be a fan as a teen, my parents would have......... I don't know, but I am still scared.
well, i think its gross to see a lady in her mid 40s creaming their jeans over an 18 year old..i mean, i look at my sons friends, and i cant even imagine being attracted to them and im only 35.

but yes, i think its just as nasty when men do it, definitely.

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