two Astralorps -- is one a rooster?

You have a hen ... and a Roo ..
Unless there is something wrong with his vocal cords I don't think you can get a roo that doesn't crow! at 5 months it should be close to doing something! an egg or a crow...
lets have a look at some updated pics, you may have a girl then!
usually the crowing starts before the egg is laid.
mine don't have hardly any red in there comb and they are 11 weeks. but my roo crowed by 12 weeks. Roo
Unless there is something wrong with his vocal cords I don't think you can get a roo that doesn't crow! at 5 months it should be close to doing something! an egg or a crow...
lets have a look at some updated pics, you may have a girl then!
usually the crowing starts before the egg is laid.

my 4 month old rooster has only crowed about 3 times. I haven't heard him do any lately.

I'm thinking cockerel.
Thanks so much everybody -- I took Shane back today to the farm, and the owner agreed that she's a he. Rooster tail feathers developing, and generally just a bigger bird than her "sister" who'll be staying. Still seems strange that he never crowed, but perhaps he was just waiting for the opportune time to surprise me.

At any rate, I'm now the proud owner of two beautiful Golden Comets (sex link, definitely hens) which are 6 weeks old. I've made a separate area in the chicken run with a temporary "coop" while they grow and will merge all the chickens together probably when these are about 3 months old, maybe 4 depending on how they develop.

Thanks again to all!

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