Two chickens unable to walk


7 Years
Jul 21, 2012
I have a flock of 12 chickens, mixed between Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. They're 16 weeks old today. Four days ago I noticed one of the RIR's was unable to walk. She just stumbled around and flopped over on the ground. I pulled her from the yard and have been keeping her in a horse stall with food and water. She's been eating and drinking fine and her eyes are bright and clear. Yesterday I noticed another RIR was starting to walk funny. She was waddling around and almost looked like she had Parkinson's disease. I pulled her last night and got her into a horse stall. This morning she is noticeably worse and can barely walk without falling over.

I pulled all of the bedding out of the coop yesterday and sprayed it with a bleach and vinegar solution. I also purchased Sulmet and put it in all of the waterers, including the ones in quarantine. I just called the feed store where I purchased them and am waiting on the guy who orders the chicks to get it to ask if they've been vaccinated.

Besides what I'm currently doing, does anyone have any suggestions?


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