Two chicks sold as Sapphire Gem females. Barred Rock? Need some help IDing

I ordered SGs back in 2018 when they first became available. I received 2 extra birds. I assumed they were all female as I had ordered all females but being new to ordering chicks, I had yet to learn about packing peanuts. From early on, I wondered if 2 of my SGs were boys... they just seemed rooish. But they didn't fit the description of SG cockerels. The biggest difference I noticed was that they were a lighter gray with yellow beaks and legs. I posted on here and elsewhere trying to figure out if they were roos. Common concesus was that they were not... that if they were cockerels, they'd be barred. At about 7 weeks, I was determined to prove they were roos as my gut screamed roo so I sat down on our deck and started examining hackles and saddle and such. I swore I could see pointy feathers emerging and even though the effect was subtle, I was certain I saw barring on their head/neck. Most people still insisted they were pullets and didn't see the barring I was sure was present. Eventually, as their adult plumage came in fully, it became evident that they were fully barred and fully rooster. What I learned throughout all my questioning is that SGs appear to have some variety within characteristics... even within my SG flock, there are differences that make one identifiable from another. So while my male SG chicks looked nothing like yours, that doesn't necessarily mean yours aren't SGs... though my guess would be they aren't based on my limited experience. They are pretty young yet... and lighting in photos is dark. maybe post some pics in natural light tomorrow ?
I ordered SGs back in 2018 when they first became available. I received 2 extra birds. I assumed they were all female as I had ordered all females but being new to ordering chicks, I had yet to learn about packing peanuts. From early on, I wondered if 2 of my SGs were boys... they just seemed rooish. But they didn't fit the description of SG cockerels. The biggest difference I noticed was that they were a lighter gray with yellow beaks and legs. I posted on here and elsewhere trying to figure out if they were roos. Common concesus was that they were not... that if they were cockerels, they'd be barred. At about 7 weeks, I was determined to prove they were roos as my gut screamed roo so I sat down on our deck and started examining hackles and saddle and such. I swore I could see pointy feathers emerging and even though the effect was subtle, I was certain I saw barring on their head/neck. Most people still insisted they were pullets and didn't see the barring I was sure was present. Eventually, as their adult plumage came in fully, it became evident that they were fully barred and fully rooster. What I learned throughout all my questioning is that SGs appear to have some variety within characteristics... even within my SG flock, there are differences that make one identifiable from another. So while my male SG chicks looked nothing like yours, that doesn't necessarily mean yours aren't SGs... though my guess would be they aren't based on my limited experience. They are pretty young yet... and lighting in photos is dark. maybe post some pics in natural light tomorrow ?
Interesting!! And frustrating as it always is trying to figure out sex and everyone has an opinion.
I will def post more pics later then because today I’m taking them outside since it’s finally warm enough! Thanks so much for the help!!
Interesting!! And frustrating as it always is trying to figure out sex and everyone has an opinion.
I will def post more pics later then because today I’m taking them outside since it’s finally warm enough! Thanks so much for the help!!
Look up the thread 'what is a sapphire gem?' Go to posts #36 and 37 where I described our chicks at 3 weeks and posted some pics :)
Interesting!! And frustrating as it always is trying to figure out sex and everyone has an opinion.
I will def post more pics later then because today I’m taking them outside since it’s finally warm enough! Thanks so much for the help!!
Also, look at post #155 in that same thread.... :)
Interesting!! And frustrating as it always is trying to figure out sex and everyone has an opinion.
I will def post more pics later then because today I’m taking them outside since it’s finally warm enough! Thanks so much for the help!!
And post #171 in thread....that's where I posted birds at 7 weeks right before I determined to prove they were boys after the ensuing conversation... :)

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