Two legged predators

I havn't had anyone try to steal any of my birds. I have had some people in the past steal my egg money and some eggs. I do sell them. In years past I left the money out in a cookie jar and for years had no problems. I have had some thief's. I have them all on video. I don't leave the money in the jar at night but do in the day. I have a sign up that says I have cameras. I put the last thief's pictures on the bulletin board. He came back and saw the pictures but hasn't been back since. Now I have a camera also set so who ever drives in I get their tag number.

My most recent thief. Taking the money out of the cookie jar. These are pictures from a video.
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Putting the money in his pocket.
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Stealing eggs.
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I didn't get the thief's tag number but I do have a picture of the truck he was driving.
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