Two of my chickens are laying!!

Two holes?? I thought it all came out one and that's what the whole clacker thing was. Lol.
I've been reading on here a year and that's the first time I ever read that sexing method lol

As the boys start to mature they change in appearance. They start to stand a little more erect, their tail gets longer ones growing in and round their neck and on their back the feathers get longer and thinner. Their combs will also tend to grow larger. Finally the crow starts and its confirmed :). I think from memory ours was crowing before his sisters were laying.

We got our first egg Saturday and then two more started checking out the nest and I think we're responsible for a couple of eggs yesterday. Its all very exciting isn't it :)
Well I just feel like the biggest idiot I believed this person who has had chickens for years, But I learned something very interesting. I am going to post pictures of my babies so maybe someone can help me. Thank you hope you guys had a good laugh lol
Here is a pic of one if my 7 chicks can anyone tell breed and sex
I have 5 chickens an they just starting laying eggs an I got 3 the first day but now I am only getting 1 a day it that normal?
Here's an update everyone!

Just this morning I woke up early and went to say good morning to my girls, and you know what I saw? My favorite baby, Antoine, laying her first egg! It was the most amazing experience in my life!!
*cries tears of joy*

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