two of my males are acting up.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 17, 2011
Upstate NY
I have 19 ducks. Four of which are males. One of my males leaves all of the girls alone, while the other ones tend to chase around the girls... Well, one male doesn't get too aggressive and chases a couple of specific females, but he usually fails because he's too slow.
But my two mallards tag team one of my female runners. They not only try to mate her but they switch it up, and one will attack the girl while the other bites at her poof (she's crested) and then they'll switch it up.
It's only my runner they get rough with (they do attempt to chase other females but seperately.).
So I was wondering if there's anything I can do to keep them from doing this to her, because separation isn't an option. And I'd hate to have to get rid of them, but they just don't let up on her, and I don't want her to end up injured or killed.

Also if it helps, I've had my mallards and this female well over a year now, and they just started acting up after two of my female mallards disappeared.

Thank you guys.
She needs to be away from those drakes, somehow. I think you know her life is in danger.

Glad you are sharing the situation here on the forum.

Even a temporary overnight for the time being, just think about it from her point of view.

Drakes do whacky, and cruel things sometimes.... not all of them, not all the time, but I would not expect this behavior to end by itself.

Is there someone who can foster the duck while you sort it out?
I can probably figure out a temporary thing for tonight. But I really don't know anyone who can foster her for a while... So I guess I may have to get rid of the two males. Which I don't really want to do, but her life is a bit more important... Now I need to find someone who wants some male ducks, who won't kill them.
Gracious, these difficult decisions just because the drakes are being . . . . well, you know.

I pray that giving her the night in a safer place will give you some time to consider options. You may come up with a few people who might actually foster her, or you may find someone looking for a couple of drakes for companionship for their single drake.

Hope it works out smoothly and quickly. I know it doesn't, always.

You know there is a buy sell swap forum . . . . that may be an option.
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Well I don't want to give up my boys, but I don't want to lose her either. And I won't jump into anything too fast (as in getting rid of them) because I love my boys. It's just all of my friends live with parents who wouldn't really want a duck running around. And my mother is in the process of moving so she isn't an option either.
So, I don't know.
And thank you for the information about the buy sell swap forum, I forgot about that. It just worries me because I don't know who wants to have them as pets and who doesn't.
I absolutely understand your concern about your boys' fate. It would be good if more people realized that eggs are not the only reason to keep ducks, that drakes, especially when it's an all boys' club, can be great pets, pest control helpers, fertilizer producers, and therapy animals.
I am sorry your boyz are being...... BOYZ! They are so weird.... I just don't get it... All I know is that I am SO GLAD that my boyfriend doesn't attack me like that... Jeez that would be an interesting life...

I have 3 mallard females and, God knows, they sure have become my baby girls... I think I love them more each day... So, I understand your concern with finding homes for your males. Sometimes, when you tell people you have ducks, they think of a peaceful menagerie on a lake in some fairy tale... a fairy tale that takes no effort, upkeep or interaction to sustain... Though truly an honest mistake, this is an ignorant assumption. When you spend just a few moments watching these creatures... wow! It is like your eyes are opened to this whole new, little busy world of rapid pecking, noisy conversation, and much, much more.... It is just so interesting and so truly intricate... You just can't help but fall in love!

I pray that someone will cross your path who will offer either the males, the females, or you the best possible solution to this problem. Good luck!
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