Two Of My Teen Daughters (15,14) Bringing Home Babies Today: UPDATE!

You mean you didn't send them to the adult women classes during the time they taking care of the "babies"?

But on the other hand, what better time to enforce standards and values. in Oklahoma they do....My three oldest boys have all done it! And now my 15 year old daughter. Only two more to go....another girl and another boy

My boys have all hated it but have learned a lesson or two

BTW: My 6 range in age from 29 to some things have changed in home ec. but not alot! And we all know not much changes in the way of babies
(except maybe their diapers!!!!!)
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Do these "babies" carry a great percentage of their grade? I ask because I can't imagine my son taking care of it, or my youngest daughter either.

My middle child personally cannot wait until it is her turn to take care of one! She has wanted a baby since she was eight.

When I was in school, I had to take care of an egg. (schools fault that I am a hatching ) I didnt have my egg long- some guy that I thought was "OH SO HOT I CANT BELIEVE HE IS TALKING TO ME", murdered it by dropping it down the second floor stairwell.
The class is called "Family Living or Economics or Something Like That" and you sign up for it. Needless to say, no boys seem to ever sign up for it, so they miss out.

I did tell Mom#1 to let the senior she was interested in to hold the baby at the football game but she said that "he didn't want to"....

big surprise huh?
Mom#1 when asked how taking care of the baby in the night went said....

"I hate this stupid woke up like 5 times in the middle of the night. How annoying!"

Mom#2 said, "Oh this baby kept waking me up...dumb baby!"

All in all they did pretty good overnight and spent the day cleaning the house and caring for their babies...

They are documenting on their "Ready Or Not Tot" pages the times of the crying, what was needed (there are several different keys they need to insert into the baby such as feeding, burp, diaper change etc...), what activity by them was interupted and when the crying stopped.

Their overnight documentations were hilarious....undecipherable jibberish writing...

I said to them to think about taking care of a real baby when your mind is functioning like that with limited sleep over days and months...

I also reminded them of the real joy that they would experience on Monday when they went to school after being awoken multiple times during the night....

As I posted yesterday Mom#2's baby had the abuse light lit from the 13 yr old babysitter letting it's head snap back and from being dropped by Mom#2 a few hours later.

So, at 4:30pm with all the daughters on their way back to their our exes, Mom #1 was feeling all smug about getting through the two days without lighting the abuse light. That is until she asked my wife (her mother) to hold the baby for a sec while she loaded her suitcase. My wife said that somehow the baby's head snapped back a little bit while she was holding her and the baby started to cry
(they cry for a minute when abused no matter what). Mom#1 was all peeved about it and an argument ensued...

So, I guess they both lose 5 points for 1 abuse. They are convinced that they will still get A's despite poor babysitting by an aunt and grandma.

So, my part of this tale is ended....if I get an update tomorrow, I will add it...

All in all it was very entertaining and I think that they learned something,... especially overnight. I'm very happy they get a second overnight with it.

Part of me wishes they had it for a week...
Oh this is all to funny and what a great learning tool! To bad so many of the teenage girls here miss out on that class. It definitely is a real eye opener!
Thanks for such an entertaining tale! I was kool. I don't think my DD school does this, but it would be hysterical, even with a bag of flour. Taking the baby to the football game with the pep band, LOL!
My youngest daughter had one of those babies, when she was 15. Before she had this baby she planned college and then hubby and kids, 2 I believe. Long story short her baby had a malfunction. Out of a 48 hours time frame that baby cried steady except for 5 hours and 46 minutes. I mean steady. I wouldn't help her and everyone else in the house was forbidden to help her. She got an A+ on her baby as there was no abuse and perfect care. She also got extra points seeing as how it malfunctioned and she still had taken great care of that baby. I got a call from the teacher and she was impressed that I wouldn't allow anyone to handle that baby in any way. My daughter is 21 now and to this day when asked about children says NEVER and will not reconsider her stand. Funny the oldest daughter says the same thing LOL and she will be 27 next week. She had to carry the egg. She got an A but she hated it LOL. My second daughter didn't get either one and she has 2 kids she is a good Mom so all is well. My 16 year old son will get one this year but he has baby experiance as everyone on the block loves for him to come over as he helps them with all kids even babies. His sister will call at least once or twice a week for him to come and help her as he really helps. He never says if he wants kids or not.

Thanks for sharing and bringing up the memories, can't wait to hear the update on the grade.

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