two over 5 month old "pullets" acting like roos


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 14, 2012
Phoenix AZ
Hi, new here and haven't had chickens in MANY years. These two are confusing me. They are part of my mixed flock I hatched this summer. All but one of my 6 looked liked pullets-I knew my spunky little bantam roo was one for a long time and the crowing he started months ago conformed it. Well here we are anticipating eggs shortly and these two are starting to get aggressive and making noises that sounds like a chicken with laryngytis trying to crow. Oh and the first one-Sam I am(came from a green egg of course)sprouted three long tail feathers. The other one Chloe is Orphington in part, she is HUGE and becoming a bully. I will work with them if they are going to lay eggs but if they are roos, well they are going to be dinner.

First two are Sam, second two are Chloe
Thanks for the help!
I wouldn't count on ever getting any eggs from these "pullets", they're cockerels.
Are they Bantam roosters? If they are they are not supposed to be "eating" chickens.
No-the roo I am keeping is a bantam. He is awesome and also my profile picture. These two are a mix of Orphington, Silkie, and Phoenix. They are extremely large birds-but honestly, I have no interest in keeping aggressive roos as pets. Cluck Norris(the roo I am keeping) is gentle, kid friendly, and a great protector of the hens. So the others will be eaten and I guess I will be finding a couple more hens for the backyard eventually.

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