Good to know, I got one too.... no shiny rings on those fingers yall... I have a BR that LOVES bling she will peck peck peck as much as possible trying to get that ring.
I second the no flip-flops! Oh man, not only do your toes hurt, but there's a good chance you get poop on your foot! And if you've got nail polish on them...
LOL, I wear my flipflops out all the time. My older hens used to try and get them but that was last summer and my younger hens dont care,so out there I go in the world's most comfy flippies LOL!
I have chicks right now about 35 days old. I love to take them out in front of my chicken-ignorant friends and tell them I've trained them to do tricks. I'll put one on a notebook and draw a simple ant and say "Okay, get the ant!" and then of course the chick sees it and tries to peck at it. My friends think it's "so amazing", little do they know they'd peck at any spec like that, lol.