Tyngsborough Gardens Monthly Chicken swap in Tyngsborough Ma 7/15

DATE CHANGE ::: new date june 23rd.... new england peeps and surrounding areas, there is a chicken swap in Tyngsborough Ma June 23rd ,9am to 1pm, at the Tyngsboro garden center at 347 middlesex rd Tyngsborough ma. Poultry must be from tested flocks only, please have your certificate or cards ready upon entry. Set up is free, no charge. This will be in the New England Bantam News Letter. We are working on getting donations item to have to call out one every hour dureing the swap, I am thinking on putting in a gas card. Come check it out, come buy sell trade or just a day out.
DATE CHANGE ::: new date june 23rd.... new england peeps and surrounding areas, there is a chicken swap in Tyngsborough Ma June 23rd ,9am to 1pm, at the Tyngsboro garden center at 347 middlesex rd Tyngsborough ma. Poultry must be from tested flocks only, please have your certificate or cards ready upon entry. Set up is free, no charge. This will be in the New England Bantam News Letter. We are working on getting donations item to have to call out one every hour dureing the swap, I am thinking on putting in a gas card. Come check it out, come buy sell trade or just a day out.
Can we get the title of this thread altered?? It is misleading if we get into July, and I see it and it messes me up every time but thats just me .. . . .lol
I will ask the mod but last time they said they will do it that once but if I keep asking to change it I need to create a certain page
Can we get the title of this thread altered??  It is misleading if we get into July, and I see it and it messes me up every time but thats just me .. . . .lol

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