Ugh - friend just sent anti-chick article saying they have salmonella

Sounds like the same bad attitude some of my relations from the city would have. My advice is that while there are a number of diseases humans can get from chickens, you are more likely to be sickened by chicken you buy from the store than from within your own small flock Maintaining a clean environment is always paramount.. I wouldn't let a small child handle a sick bird however.
Hmmmm. According to that article I should be dead now rather than celebrating my 65th birthday. I have handled baby chicks, baby ducks, baby geese, baby calves, baby pigs, etc. all my life. Plus licked the batter (raw eggs) and grew up drinking raw milk from our milk goats and the family cow. That is how children develop an immune system. Exposure to common bacteria. Too many children today grow up in a world of disinfectant this and germicidal that to the point that when they are exposed to something they get very sick. I have personally seen kids get deathly ill from exposure to things that would have not affected kids of my generation at all.
I think there is a larger risk of getting it from your kitchen counter top.

I've heard that a lot since becoming adult and cannot fathom how we survived playing with bugs, turtles, spiders, snakes, birds, etc. and sometimes not even washing our hands when we are supposed to.

If it makes you feel any better I used to kiss my pet garter snake and never got sick. My mom thought it was nasty though.
I would just be open with your friend about how the situation made you feel and then educate her. Most people are not even aware that chicks can be other colors than yellow when born or that all chickens are not white or brown. It is disturbing how vague an article from the CDC is when talking about public health. And here I thought only the media would use generalizations and simple speak to scare the public.
We had an e-coli "outbreak" at our State fair in 04' ? that was linked to goats and sheep in the petting zoo area. Sounds like some of the (very young) kids fell down in the animal area.
Looks like the e-coli was from one heard of animals and now no petting zoos

At the 08' fair the NC state college poultry science group had....... baby chicks and ducklings to hold!!!!!!
I was glad to see that a measured approach was taken to "public safety" and not the typical over reaction. I do wish they still had the goats to pet and play with but at least they had chicks!!!
If it was my friend I would tell her to watch the news.....
apparently you can now catch salmonella from tomatoes, jalapenos, spinach and other variuos things you can buy at the grocery does she feed her family and herself?

Didn't mean to be ugly, but I just hate when people can't be nice.
She doesn't have to support your thoughs and feelings about having chicks, but does she have to rain on your happy parade?

Keep up the happy chick thoughs and get some other friends that support what you believe in.

I have a few " friends" too, that think we are idiots for having a "farm" in our backyard...yet the practically beg for our "awesome" eggs!! What gives?


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