UGH! Men! Rant


11 Years
Nov 17, 2008
Chapel Hill, NC
I'm in college and back home for the summer, living with my dad and brother. I don't have a job, but not for lack of trying. So, my dad thinks since I am at home I should clean up the house. This is not unreasonable by itself. He started in on me about a week after I got home from school. The thing is, it was a big job. There were probably 10 loads of laundry to be folded just dumped in hampers and 15 loads that needed to be done. Dishes PILED in the sinks. All sorts of wrappers in front of the tv from my brother. I would take care of about one room a day. Dad only noticed what I hadn't done, so I finally got up early one morning and tackled most of it. I have the house clean, but I stay up 1-2 hours after they go to bed to keep it that way. If I miss a night, it gets away from me. My brother tosses laundry in the dryer in the floor so I have to redo it if he's looking for something. Dad spits seeds from the fruit he eats in the sink; guess who cleans it up every time. I've asked him to spit them in a cup and dump them outside, and when I mention to him that they're in the sink, he says, "At least I didn't spit them in the floor." If I'm standing there putting dishes from the sink into the dishwasher, they'll walk up to me and set dishes on the counter in front of me. Everytime I go to fill the dishwasher, I have a hunt for teh dishes they've left round the house. Matt will leave things on the floor in front of the tv. When I ask him where they should go, he replies, "Exactly where they are." I wash, dry, and fold their clothes and they can't even put them up! So they end up in front of the washer again when they toss them on the floor. I take out trash almost every night. Dad comes in from work the other day and goes "What is that smell?" Finds its the garbage. I'd been eating seafood and didn't smell it. Matt had come in about 15 minutes before him and said the same thing, but I thought it was the seafood. Anyway, he looks at me and says, "Can't you smell that? Can't someone other than me take the garbage out?"
What really irks me is that Matt (who will be a senior in HS this year), has never had a word said to him about cleaning up his stuff or anyone else's. His "job" is baseball and taking his summer courses. But he spends MAYBE an hour a day on those things. He's mostly running up and down the road (using gas my dad or I paid for 90% of the time) to see his friends.I've also tried just dumping Matt's stuff(dishes, trash, laundry he ripped out of the washer/dryer) in his room, but he dumps it back where it was as soon as girlfriend comes over. I just take care of it. Saves me a trip.
I know my life could be a lot worse. But honestly, I'm running out of patience. Talking to them just gets me comments like above. Am I being unreasonable? I'm just discouraged. I don't mind doing most of it, especially since it helps my dad out, but I feel I'm being taken advantage of. I'm helping them, why can't they help me do that? I've had ONE small thanks from my dad for taking the garbage to the dump.
They sound like immature slobs, i'd move.
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Idea..take ALL their mess and dump it into their bedrooms. Seeds/wrappers..everything!!!! THe rest of the house will be clean at least.
You are not the maid! If they consider this your "job" then remind them that you are entitled to evenings and weekends off, AND tips are appreciated! When you are "off" it is their responsibility!
Don't go home for the summer.
OK maybe that's not reasonable, but just wanted to add that it is not just men. Where I work the women have a breakroom. It's part of the bathroom/lockeroom. They are dirtier than redhens pigs. (I'd rather live with redhens pigs- heard they got a bath today) Anyhow they eat in this filthy room. They hang out in there. When I tell them it is disgusting they agree and go back in, with more food.

Imp- My chickens are cleaner too.
This is not ypur job. I as a mom of five can relate and if they can't take care of their own stuff and I have to pick it up. Well then the grabage man has fun. Tell the rest of them if that is your job that is how its gonna be.
And your right..its not just men.

This being said, I have a lot of yard and housework ahead of me, in the next couple days.

Imp-I do think guys are more tolerant of a mess. I am.

Back to wadek2008, Sorry if you are feeling like a slave. You're getting good advice here. Hope you are able to meet the challenge, with a happy heart.
If not, you are an adult. You can make your own way.

Imp- supportively
I agree with this. I would clean up after myself and that's it. I have a similar problem with my dad, but at least he does his own laundry and knows where the sink is. He doesn't seem to know how to turn the water on, unless he is making coffee, and if I gripe about doing dishes all the time, his reply is that he doesn't dirty any
Yeah, okay, that's why there are never any leftovers from dinner, and 4 or 5 coffee cups sitting by the sink. If he doesn't dirty the dishes, then he must eat over the pans!!
ETA: With his fingers
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