UK Member Please Say HI

Yes I always try to give mine a chance first too. I do advertise and you can tell when they call if they are genuine or not. They get a good grilling too if they make it to been able to come and see them.

Hi Jackie and welcome to the thread.

Just checked out your profile and I see you have 8 mixed adult chickens. I know you just got the hybrids recently, but it sounds like you have had the others a little longer. Are you getting any eggs yet? First eggs are so exciting!
Do you have any other animals/pets?
The coop you made looks great.... well done to you both.... good work! Hope your chickens are enjoying their new home.

Best wishes

Hi Barbara
I only have 4 hybrids, only got them yesterday. They are 16 wks old so hopefully won't be long till we get some eggs, how long did it take you. We also have 2 baby marginated tortoises, 2 reeves turtles, 3 dogs, 1 Pygmy hedgehog, a water dragon lizard, fish in the fish pond. What have you got. How long have you had chickens
Hi again Jackie

Sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you had the Marans, amberlink, speckledy and something else(sorry I forgot) and then just recently added 4 hybrids(I was thinking red sex links) to them. It sounds like you have a real menagerie with those other creatures.....very exotic! I love the sound of the pygmy hedgehog! I would hope to see eggs towards about 23 weeks, but may happen sooner... or of course later.... but they will get there in their own time and you just have to be patient..... which is totally impossible I know, especially as the weeks go by and you know it's getting near!! They tease you something rotten the last few days. I kept hearing the egg song and rushing out to check half a dozen times a day only to be disappointed..
I'm into my 3rd year this time around but I had chickens and ducks 12 or so years ago. Unfortunately I slowly got wiped out by foxes last time.It was coming through the day, sometimes even when I was there and picking them off. My main flock free ranges so I have to accept that this is a risk and set it against the great lifestyle they enjoy. Thankfully this time around, apart from the odd dog attack and two visits from the fox, I have been more fortunate. I currently have about 50 chickens and 5 broody hens with chicks running around and another 2 broody hens on eggs.... beware what they call "Chicken Maths".... I started with a trio of exchequer leghorns and now look what's happened..... chickens and chicks everywhere!!!

I also have horses (I have 5 and my partner has 3) (maybe this is "horse maths") and 2 cats and 10 hives of bees (definitely bee maths!). Chickens bees and horses are definitely addictive.


@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Can't tell you how ecstatic I am! Both broodies took their chicks up the ramp to bed tonight without even being asked/chased/levered/cajoled or ladled contortions, no frustration, just slide the pop door shut and walk away.... YES!!!!

Oh Barabara what great news and a nice surprise for you! Just the thought of not having a battle with them must have been great :woot

Bet it's saved your back and knees!!

I am in the west midlands. I picked up 4 nice hens at the weekend and am already enjoying lovely poached eggs on toast.

I'm pretty new to this game, but have kept ferrets, lurchers and a goldfish before (the goldfish was called Bob, cus he kept saying it through the glass at me).

The first night they didn't wanna go into the coop but have settled now and go in and out quite freely.

If this goes alright the missis might agree to keeping a few quails... but time will tell.

here's a pic

Hi and welcome to the thread and BYC in general since I see this is your first post!

From your user name, it sounds like we might be soul mates, as I love to reclaim and reuse, but that coop looks far too professional to be made of scrap timber!

Congrats on getting your first eggs from your hens.... you are obviously off to a good start but don't be too disappointed if the eggs dry up after a day or two as a change of home can upset their system and cause them to knock off for a week or two. The ones you are getting now were already on the production line and have to come out.
They are lovely looking hens and I bet they are really enjoying all that lovely grass.

Good luck with them


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