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Getting her out is going to be.... Ouch!! No two ways round that one at all. That's why I only had the one, no way could I go through that again. The first one you are going into it blind but it put me off good and proper!! The other half was quite distressed by the whole event too!!

Oh I hope we don't have snow in April :( I want the horse turned by then, no way will he cope with living out in snow.
oh well nothing I can do now just have to prey that the old gas and air gives me what I need!!!!!!

Changing the subject as I'm now squeezing my legs together does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can dry out where the chickens and ducks are we have had so much rain
that their part of the garden is like a quag mire just muddy and boggy and its the chickens that have caused it like this they have striped it of any visible blade of grass so in turn when it rains it is just making it more and more muddy getting them totally filthy and making I like a swamp for me to go up and down
not good ideas in a hat please
I would be asking for something better than gas and air!!

I had the same problem with the mud. They sure can get some gardening done can chickens!!
When they were on the mud I tried to clear as much as I could to get down to something half solid. I then added wood chip to the top. It did help but they are such good earth movers they soon got through that so I had to keep topping it up. The wood chip did help and it kept them entertained scratching through it all. Is there any way you can cover some of your run so they have a dry area?
I gave up in the end and knocked the BBQ down so I could move them onto concrete slabs with a covered run. This does help but with the wind and rain we have had I can't stop it blowing in through the sides!! While it's been wet I've been hosing the runs out every couple of days just to keep on top of the poop. I'm just glad we are not on a water meter with the hose pipe out every couple of days!
Its a nightmare thats the problem I'm having wind and rain blowing into it.
I cannot put anything down outside that is going to blow around as I think neighbors may start complaining I'm at a loss thats why I want some freeze or snow so it hardens it up their coop has never been so messy
I'm just Glad they are sectioned off from the rest of the garden otherwise the whole garden would be like it.
Stupid thing is its not the ducks I can let them have the whole garden and they don't damage nothing but I cant do that to me chickens as they will just run up and down the fence going mad we call it the promise land its like its layered with gold when they come over lol

As for gas and air thats all I have I don't like to feel like I'm not in control, plus I leave going to hospital until I cant bare any more then its to let for anything else :)
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The wood chip won't blow about, I don't mean shavings now they would blow! The wood chip I'm meaning is the bark type stuff ~


Weather says bad frost next few nights so it should be a bit better for you.

Have you had snow up there Barbara? I've just seen the weather forecast :eek:
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@Yorkshirecoop oh soz don't they cost alot of money?? As there is alot to cover
We had a bit of snow
today so I'm hoping it will freeze tonight then totally chuck it down with snow
Depends where you get them from. Check out gardeners and the like, some of them will let you have it for free. That's how I got mine, from the local tree surgeon. He even dropped it off for me. Was more than happy for me to take it. Try putting a wated ad on the web you may get some takers.

We had some wet snow but this wind is freezing! Has forecast a hard frost tonght so you should be good in the morning ;)
Im from Luton. I have 11 big girls 4 silkie 1 small cockerel. Im getting 10 eggs a day. Even its mid of January. Loving it.

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