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These are now 12 days old
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Love the sign.... that pretty much sums up my sporting equipment!

Good luck with the hatch this time. My 3rd pekin broody has just finished hatching and has 5 but one of the first to hatch got flung out of the nest and when I found it and put it back she was pecking it. I managed to tuck it in under her bum out of the way of her beak and she accepted it but it's had a bit of a rough time and I'm not sure it is healthy enough to survive. The hatches with these two pekin broodies has not been great. They were in adjacent nests but kept swapping and one day they were both in one and the eggs in the other got chilled. They were 3 days overdue and I assumed they were goosed and kicked the broody off. I went back to do an eggtopsy later and the first one I cracked open was fully formed and horrified to see that it was also still alive. I had to cull it as yolk sack was not absorbed and can't tell you how bad I felt. I'd even done a float test before hand and there was no movement but feel shockingly guilty that I didn't have more patience Anyway, I put the eggs back and 5 of them hatched.over the next two days, the others were early quitters, probably from getting chilled. The other pekin hatched 6 out of 10 a few days earlier and Frances has raised all 9 of hers and they are strong and healthy looking and pretty much fledged. They free range with the flock and even roost up on the highest roost 6' up.
Tasha hatched 10 out of 12 and she has been free ranging them with the flock from 2 days old, but then I trust her implicitly.

Starting to realise that I was incredibly lucky with my first 2 broodies (Tasha and Frances) and now finding that not all broody hens are quite as brilliant at it.
I have a leghorn and a leghorn cross both broody in the same nest for the past 3 days and trying to decide if I will let them set and if so, what to give them, or to break them. Both will be first timers although the leghorn is 3-4 years old. The other is just about 10 months. Neither are pecky or growly when I remove eggs from under them but they press themselves down hard onto the eggs to try to stop me getting them. I might give them just a few of my own eggs each and see how they do, but I'm starting to become quite seriously overrun. and I still haven't got any of the hatching eggs from Durham hens that I wanted. Maybe if Frances goes broody a second time later in the summer, I get some for her.

Had a bit of a wobble with Rebel this morning. I must have made the strip of grass a little too wide last night for them and he was definitely feeling uncomfortable again. I took him out for a walk in hand but he was anxious to be aw\y from the others, so we turned back half way and went back. Thankfully he seemed more settled when we got back, but they are standing in with nothing until his belly goes down. I've not been riding mine much I'm afraid as Ian has been commandeering my time to ride out on his horses. He needs the little lad, Zak, to do more ridden work and start jumping if he is going to hunt him this season. Unfortunately Zak is not confident jumping, so will need quite a lot of schooling to build him up. Thankfully Archie is very confident in this respect and happy to give him a lead as many times as he needs it, so perhaps my jumping confidence and technique will improve in the process.

Think that is all my news for now. If I set eggs with those broodies tonight, we will be hatching at almost the same time.
Just looking at those hatching eggs of yours and there is very little difference between the size of the Pekins and the Wyandottes. Are they bantam wyandottes or LF Pekins (Cochins)? What colour are the Pekins from? I'm getting predominantly lavender chicks and some blues but would really like more variety. The prettiest none lavendar is a roo and I'm still not sure what his colour pattern will be as he is white with a dark collar and wings, Must get some photos and post them. I'm going to put Frances (black silkie/pekin cross with gold laced neck) and her chicks in with the other pekins and hope to hatch some of her eggs next time as she is one of my prettiest hens.

Anyway, I hope you are continuing to get out on Harry. Did you get his shoe put back on? If so, I hope he is now sound again.
I spent most of the afternoon yesterday trimming my two oldies feet. We haven't had any rain for ages and their hooves and frogs were rock hard, which makes the job twice as difficult. Thankfully my sister came over and we spelled each other at it, until we got them where we were both happy with the result. The one that wasn't rasping got the job of "tickling (scratching) tummies! and any other bit that they told us needed attention. I think the rasping was nearly less physically demanding! Being sandwiched between two horses that are both determined that if a tickle is on offer they are going to be first in the line is not for the faint hearted, especially when one has been know to get jealous and throw her feet on more than one occasion! Thankfully we completed the task without incident.

Got to go and check on Rebel. Fingers crossed he just got a bit too much grass and is now feeling more comfortable.

Best wishes

Now two weeks old. The white one is getting feathers slot quicker then the others then the one with white and black wings followed by the white and brown.




In other news I am also acting as daddy daycare as mum is away this weekend and next. Seems my 1 year old has grasped the concept of checking for eggs.

Hello everyone, I was told about this section of the site and thought I would stop by and say hi. I'm relatively new to keeping chickens, 2 months ago I bought 11 hens from a farm in Huddersfield. They have been laying for around 4 weeks now. Recently I have been getting up to 12 eggs a day. I feed them mixed layers pellets and scraps from my kitchen. I have a large coop and pen for them at my allotment and was thinking about buying some more. One of the hens is very broody, she sits on the eggs all day until I finally move her to get to them haha. I was wondering if I could buy some fertilised eggs and let her sit on those?

Here are a few pics of my girls.


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