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Good evening all!
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I have some very sad news to start the year off with though. Unfortunately, I have had to have Dave and his brother put down this weekend. I took them to the vet after Dave's brother was attacked by the other chickens, they nearly took his eye out! I asked whether either of them would get any better, but he said that it appears to be genetic, so would have to live with it for the rest of their lives. He said I couldn't have don't any more for them, and everything I had done so far was right, but I just don't have the time to spend with them any more with working full time now. So me and Dave had one final cuddle (he wouldn't leave me the entire time we were at the vet!) and then I said goodbye.
Things have been very strange these last three days, trying to get used to not having to go into the shed to feed him, making him his vitamins every morning and having a quick cuddle before work. I just hope I never have to make that decision again, I like to think I did the right thing by him.
Thank you all for your support with him in the past, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to spend the time I have with him, and he would have probably been gone a lot sooner.
Good evening all!
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I have some very sad news to start the year off with though. Unfortunately, I have had to have Dave and his brother put down this weekend. I took them to the vet after Dave's brother was attacked by the other chickens, they nearly took his eye out! I asked whether either of them would get any better, but he said that it appears to be genetic, so would have to live with it for the rest of their lives. He said I couldn't have don't any more for them, and everything I had done so far was right, but I just don't have the time to spend with them any more with working full time now. So me and Dave had one final cuddle (he wouldn't leave me the entire time we were at the vet!) and then I said goodbye.
Things have been very strange these last three days, trying to get used to not having to go into the shed to feed him, making him his vitamins every morning and having a quick cuddle before work. I just hope I never have to make that decision again, I like to think I did the right thing by him.
Thank you all for your support with him in the past, if it weren't for you I wouldn't have been able to spend the time I have with him, and he would have probably been gone a lot sooner.

Oh no! Sending lots of hugs. Just think how lucky he was to have you! The terrible thing about having animals is having to say bye but all the days with them make up for it

This plastic sheeting from BnQ is a god send! We've used one roll that was really cheap for covering their pen, covering the garage floor and our floor in the extension so they can come in for a run around and not ruin the carpet. I'd highly recommend! There's still loads left too! I might go crazy and carpet the whole house so they can free range and live along side us!!
Only joking... Only been married 5 months and reckon that could result in an early divorce

Omg omg
my husband would go mental i think he is dreading it if it gets closer I have already said if it gets to close im bringing ducks in in a dog crate and lock the chickens in the coop. It's not ideal but can't loose my little loves

This plastic sheeting from BnQ is a god send! We've used one roll that was really cheap for covering their pen, covering the garage floor and our floor in the extension so they can come in for a run around and not ruin the carpet. I'd highly recommend! There's still loads left too! I might go crazy and carpet the whole house so they can free range and live along side us!!
Only joking... Only been married 5 months and reckon that could result in an early divorce

OMG! You have got me thinking now ha ha. I would love my babies to stay in the house with me. I don't have a hubby so not a problem tee hee.

How much was it sweetie please?
I would have to wash mine b4 they come in as they are really messy at the moment due to their part of garden being sloppy mud through rain and idiot chickens not letting any grass grow lol
I can't remember off the top of my head but I'm sure it was less than £15!
It's so handy! Even if you just bring them in for a bit every day as a treat it makes you feel a Little less guilty about keeping them cooped up! X

OMG! You have got me thinking now ha ha.  I would love my babies to stay in the house with me. I don't have a hubby so not a problem tee hee.

How much was it sweetie please?

Hi Georgie

So very sorry to hear that Dave and his brother had to be put to sleep.
It is never an easy decision but you did your best for him. I know how hard it is because you get so close to them when they are sick and you are having to give them so much extra TLC. Hopefully you will now be able to spend more time with the healthy ones and not have the constant worry of what you are going to find when you wake up in the morning or come back from work to find, as you do when you have sick ones. Good luck with the rest of your flock and hopefully 2017 will be a better year even if it has got off to a rough start.

Sincerest best wishes

I would have to wash mine b4 they come in as they are really messy at the moment due to their part of garden being sloppy mud through rain and idiot chickens not letting any grass grow lol

So here's the other thing... They come in for a bath every other day too


I get through a lot of bleach...

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