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Thanks for the update. I was worried!
have you ever heard of this ?????
I cooked my husband poached duck
eggs last night a d when he began eating them he said he could not eat them as they tasted of fish
I was horrified as they were fresh so I thought they can't be off so I looked into it thinking there was some thing wrong
turns out the fishier the better as when they taste like this it means they are full of omega 3 oils
This can also happen with chicken
I believe a fishy taste in eggs is usually associated with their diet and may well be as a result of fish meal being used in their feed. Have you changed feed brand/type recently...particularly a higher protein feed? Or perhaps the manufacturer has changed the formulation to include fish meal....check the label.
Unfortunately if's no good being full of Omega 3 if people find them distasteful and don't want to eat them. Of course, it's a question of mind over matter. If people don't mind fish tasting fishy then why should they dislike eggs tasting's just getting over that mental shock of this doesn't taste right. Personally I'm not keen on fish, so it would put me right off them too.
What feed do you use?
Lol my naughty
aka chilli for those of u who don't know I have a very disobedient Columbian black tail who refuses to stay over her side in fact we call her whodeeni now as she escapes everything
Well she certainly shocked her self today she escaped today as was running about almost showing off when a huge gust of wind blew from behind her and took her off her feet and caused her to roll when she got back up if chickens
could look embarrassed she would have the gold
medal she ran and jumped back.over fence and ran in coop she didn't come over again lol

Ha ha ha ha. Sounds like my cats when they fall and try to pretend they haven't.
Oh nightmare...fingers crossed for you. Few millimetres of snow here (Midlands) last night and this morning - awful winds again all day but everything at my place has so far "weathered the storm". Chucks were not impressed with the weather today so have spent most the day hiding in the coop...good old ducks have been out swimming though! They are made of strong stuff! I do hope you don't have any issues with the surge this evening :fl

Mine hid all day too! Ducks sure are hardy beasts :D

@ Silkie16, same thing happened to me this morning :he

Nailed the top of the coop shut at 7 this morning before I went to work ha ha.

First year of chicken keeping so it's all a learning curve.   Have never been so interested in the weather in all my 53 (nearly 54), years :lau

One day we will laugh at this.   One day ...:D

I'm terrible with weather watching but if you don't laugh you'll cry :gig

Lol my naughty
aka chilli for those of u who don't know I have a very disobedient Columbian black tail who refuses to stay over her side in fact we call her whodeeni now as she escapes everything
Well she certainly shocked her self today she escaped today as was running about almost showing off when a huge gust of wind blew from behind her and took her off her feet and caused her to roll when she got back up if chickens
could look embarrassed she would have the gold
medal she ran and jumped back.over fence and ran in coop she didn't come over again lol

That will teach her! That would have made a great vid :D

Thanks for the update. I was worried! 

Thank you both, I got myself in a right old panic :/
All the older folk in the village were not worried and didn't think it would flood as it's not happened in how ever many donkeys years but that red warning from the environment agency got me panic stricken. But everyone knows what thought did!

have you ever heard of this ?????
I cooked my husband poached duck
eggs last night a d when he began eating them he said he could not eat them as they tasted of fish
I was horrified as they were fresh so I thought they can't be off so I looked into it thinking there was some thing wrong
turns out the fishier the better as when they taste like this it means they are full of omega 3 oils
This can also happen with chicken


I believe a fishy taste in eggs is usually associated with their diet and may well be as a result of fish meal being used in their feed. Have you changed feed brand/type recently...particularly a higher protein feed? Or perhaps the manufacturer has changed the formulation to include fish meal....check the label.
Unfortunately if's no good being full of Omega 3 if people find them distasteful and don't want to eat them. Of course, it's a question of mind over matter. If people don't mind fish tasting fishy then why should they dislike eggs tasting's just getting over that mental shock of this doesn't taste right. Personally I'm not keen on fish, so it would put me right off them too.
What feed do you use? 

I love fish and sea food but I can't get my head around eggs tasting fishy :sick
My dad is a lorry driver and when we were kids he used take loads of fish meal, when he got home he stunk to high heaven! Sitting here thinking of eggs tasting like that.......

Ha  ha ha ha.  Sounds like my cats when they fall and try to pretend they haven't.

My dog does that, it's like his brain and his legs don't work together :rolleyes:
No flooding here, it all passed without incident :yiipchick

What a relief :bow

Yay! So glad!!!

All this Crazy weather has had me glad that mine gave been in the garage safe and sound! We're extending the house this year and knocking the garage down so goodness knows what we will do next winter or in the case of another bird flu scare! X
As a newbie to keeping chickens am already planning for next year's outbreak of Avian Flu. Am thinking about a summer house with a run.

My poly tunnel was a huge financial disaster ha ha.

Could really do with winning the lottery tee hee.
@rebrascora the same layer pellet we have always fed them on apparently some breeds are more prone to it and farmers are even breeding these chickens
and ducks to do this if you see them in supermarkets they are in the boxes stating omega 3 eggs yuk yuk yuk who wants to eat fishy eggs

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