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Yeah I know lol, tis life. Not sure about the other two grey ones (Astra and Pepper), but I also think one of them is a guy too. I know someone who keeps chickens near me and he has a female white silkie maybe he is interested in a white silkie rooster... or maybe i could swap lol.
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@Yorkshire Coop

Blooming Heck Kim!! It's nice to know I'm not the only one who has drama when I hack out, but that sounds a bit much.... especially the horse hitting the deck too! Pleased they were both OK and she had the bottle to get back on.... well done to her for that!
I had hoped to get out on MeMe today but I was up all night with raging toothache and have struggled just to get my basic chores done today as a result. Can't wait for the dentists to open at 8am in the morning to ring for an emergency appointment. I was so desperate at 3am that I rang 111!

I'm going to mark down on my BYC calendar every time I ride this year and hopefully that will motivate me. I'm also trying to lose weight, so weekly weigh in's are also getting logged on it..... hopefully it will become a documentation of my successes for 2018!!.... And even if it isn't, it will at the very least, brighten my kitchen!

So pleased that all three of your new girls are paying their way, despite my concerns. You will have to start baking soon to use them all up! (I'm kidding... I know there aren't enough hours in your day already!)

Hi Barbara!

Oh no you poor thing with tooth ache :hugs I know just how it is, I’ve been driven to ring 111 too with it. You should have gone to the hospital and got some Tramadol. It’s the only thing that works. Hope they get you sorted tomorrow :fl

Fear not on you being the only one who has dramatic equine events! I’m going to do the same on my calendar and we can then compare notes! I was hoping to get out again today but the drive was that icy this morning we would not have got out of the yard.
Then this afternoon when I was contemplating going I had to do an emergency dash to the vets with Charlie and his pup :( He landed badly coming over a ditch and has broken his left front leg near the elbow joint.
Charlie carried him all the way home. I knew as soon as I took a look it was broken so off to the vets we went. After sedation and X-rays it was confirmed. The vet said it’s a corker of a fracture and he needs surgery by a specialist orthopaedic vet so we have been referred to one in Hull city centre which isn’t going to be cheap :th For now he’s at home drugged up in a cage until we can take him in tomorrow for our referral appointment. I’m glad I have a good vet though as he let me come home with injectable pain killers for him. He can have his next one at 10pm so I’m hoping that will see him through the night ok :fl
It’s horrible seeing him suffer so I hope they don’t dilly dally around with getting the surgery done tomorrow!
As always seems to be the case “It never rains but it pours”
@Yorkshire Coop
Oh no! Poor puppy! That sounds like it might be hugely expensive but hope they manage to fit you in to get it fixed up soon.
Thankfully, after ringing the dentist's all morning from 8am without managing to make contact (in between trying to feed and defrost water animals), I've just got through to them and can go in at 12noon and sit and wait....thankfully the pain is under control for now but you are right, it needs something stronger than paracetamol and ibuprofen when it gets bad like that! Oddly, the one thing that did give me relief was to keep swilling my mouth with very cold water but I had to do it literally every minute to keep the pain under control. It was a very long night! Thankfully, whilst it is sore and twinges every now and then, I haven't had another really bad session with it since, but I would not want to go through that again, so I will be happy when it is sorted.
Everything frozen solid here this morning and my electric was off. I've isolated the problem and got everything else back on but it's vital I get it fixed as it's the pump for my sewage treatment plant and since the water table is so high down here, I need to get it up and running pronto.

As you say, it never rains but it pours!

Fingers crossed for the pup. Keep us posted please.

Hi Barbara! Did you manage to get seen at the dentist? At least you got to be able to sit there and wait! Fingers crossed they have you all sorted now :fl Yes paracetamol and ibuprofen do nothing at all for toothache! Glad you found the water helped. It sure is trial and error until something clicks. When mine was really bad I even resorted to whiskey on my tooth and gum and I hate whiskey! :sick That worked for about 30 seconds! I have to say I found the toothache was even worse than giving birth! I was seriously head banging so can imagine you had an horrendous night :hugs

Did you get your power fully up and running? Not having the sewage pump going sounds like it could be a messy business! Frozen solid here too this morning, far colder than what the forecast said! Bbbrrrrr........

We got Keeper in to the vets at Hull this morning. The car ride there for him was not nice as the pain killer from last night had pretty much worn off. He’s going to have his surgery tomorrow. They can manage his pain much better there than I can at home. They are going to put a screw and a plate in and on the joint to stabilise it. I’m afraid yes it’s going to be pricey and we don’t have him insured :hmm They gave us an estimate of 2-2.5k :th
It was heart breaking leaving him there in a strange place with people he doesn’t know :( I’m hoping because he will zonked out with the pain killers they can give him he won’t be too distressed.
Should be able to pick him up on Thursday/Friday if all goes well :fl

Catch you soon Barbara and hope that tooth is feeling better!

Kim xx
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Yikes! 2.5k is even more horrendous that I imagined! Hope they have over estimated and it comes in a lot less or at least a bit less!

The crown I lost has been replaced but I'm almost certain it is the tooth next to it that is actually causing the problem. It is too sore to chew on that side. My gut feeling is that there is an abscess or something under it but she seemed to think the pain would not have eased if it was an abscess. I have to go back in 10 days for a check up so she has just put the crown back with temp cement in case it has to come back off again and she will check out the other tooth then too. Of course I have got used to the crown not being there so it now feels like it is quarter of an inch higher than the other teeth and I keep accidentally clashing it, which is not helping!
Yes I got the pump replaced (good old Lidl saves the day as I keep one of their cheap submersible pumps on standby for just such an occasion) just as it got dark and the electric is back on. Phew! There are a few minor adjustments I need to make tomorrow in daylight but the important thing is that it is doing the job for now and the sewage level has dropped. Not the pleasantest job in the world but would be a lot less pleasant if I didn't sort it :sick and at least I know how to do it, which saves me a few £100 on a waste specialist to come and fix it.
Yum...six egg omlette for my lunch today :lol: thanks girls :drool
doing well there chicknovice :clap

My Astra has just crowed. thats 3 out of 4 roosters :th I do think that the last one (Pepper is a gal)
I have to review everything now as 3 rooster to 1 hen is no good.
My initial objective was to get company for Joffrey and I wanted a female white poland/ Sultan or Silkie female companion for him. I think I may need to go back to that way of thinking.
I might need to find a nice home for the silkies and maybe look out for a white pullet for sale. The company for Joffrey has worked until now. It will be sad to see the others go because they are like a family and Pepper is close to the other silkies so im hoping someone can take the three in.

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