Umbilical cord tied around leg after unassisted hatch, but pulled it's insides before I noticed!


Apr 7, 2022
Hatch day started yesterday. This has been a fairly stress free hatch for us. I had a couple shrink wrapped but I moistened and left them to there own devices and they were able to get free. One of the early hatchers somehow got the umbilical cord actually tied around one of it's legs. When I noticed that it was pulling on the belly I inspected and ended up having to cut the cord to get it free and keep it from injuring itself any further. It was so soon after hatching that I didn't want to interfere with yolk absorbtion so I put ointment on it and placed in a cup back in the incubator. I checked a while ago and it still hasn't taken all of that back into it's body. What do I do now?
Hatch day started yesterday. This has been a fairly stress free hatch for us. I had a couple shrink wrapped but I moistened and left them to there own devices and they were able to get free. One of the early hatchers somehow got the umbilical cord actually tied around one of it's legs. When I noticed that it was pulling on the belly I inspected and ended up having to cut the cord to get it free and keep it from injuring itself any further. It was so soon after hatching that I didn't want to interfere with yolk absorbtion so I put ointment on it and placed in a cup back in the incubator. I checked a while ago and it still hasn't taken all of that back into it's body. What do I do now?
Is it just the yolk sac that got pulled out?
Hatch day started yesterday. This has been a fairly stress free hatch for us. I had a couple shrink wrapped but I moistened and left them to there own devices and they were able to get free. One of the early hatchers somehow got the umbilical cord actually tied around one of it's legs. When I noticed that it was pulling on the belly I inspected and ended up having to cut the cord to get it free and keep it from injuring itself any further. It was so soon after hatching that I didn't want to interfere with yolk absorbtion so I put ointment on it and placed in a cup back in the incubator. I checked a while ago and it still hasn't taken all of that back into it's body. What do I do now?
please attach photos
Seems fine other then the obvious issue. It walks just fine and seems unbothered by it but I've separated it for fear that the others would peck or scratch that and injury it. Has anyone seen this before? What did you do? Can this be helped?


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Seems fine other then the obvious issue. It walks just fine and seems unbothered by it but I've separated it for fear that the others would peck or scratch that and injury it. Has anyone seen this before? What did you do? Can this be helped?
sometimes the yolk takes a while to absorb, depending on its size it could take from a few hours to a day or even two.
Im more concerned on making sure the naval area looks okay, no bleeding or anything.
You did the right thing by separating him, keep him separate, preferably in the incubator until the yolk is absorbed.
could you get a photo of the chick's tummy so that we can see the naval/yolk.
Sorry. Tried to post these with the original message but they got cut out somehow


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That looks like the same problem my rooster went through. I just kept an eye on him, and it fell off after a few weeks, and he’s doing alright now, so I would just keep an eye out for your little baby for now.
That looks like the same problem my rooster went through. I just kept an eye on him, and it fell off after a few weeks, and he’s doing alright now, so I would just keep an eye out for your little baby for now.
Okay. It has went in significantly from when it first happened. But it was concerning to see this morning that it hadn't received completely and was drying. I had read that people sometimes push it all back in and it freaked me out bc I probably could of done that while it was wet and had just happened but bc so much time had passed and it was drying I felt like it might do harm to do that. I couldn't get my camera to focus up close but you can see different colors kind of inside whatever all that is hanging out.bkind of similar to what is left over from hatching with the yellow/whitish albumin or whatever that is. Glad to hear that your rooster recovered from this! Makes me feel a lot better. Had a very rough hatch the last go round and was very grateful this one went better. ☺️💕
Sorry. Tried to post these with the original message but they got cut out somehow
That's okay!
The yolk is fairly small so I would expect that to be absorbed in half a day to a day or so. He probably wont have much interest in food in that time.
The biggest threat is probably infection, I'm not an expert, so someone else may have better comments on how it is looking currently, I'm not too sure about the cord around the leg situation, either.
Keep everything soft for him, puppy training pads may work well if he's already in the brooder. Don't put him with the others until he's done absorbing, make sure everything is clean and dry. Keep us updated!

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