Unemployment Benefits

We are going to be finding alot of folks with two part time job'ers......I'm seeing that lately....in the mornings, the morning shifts from McD heading across the street to Bob Evans to work the afternoon shifts............trying to make ends meet.

I think the bottom line is this: hire MORE people with part time jobs would get the economy going. I am not sure if it will work because two part time jobs isn't going very far.
Also for all of you business owners. As of january 1st 2013 Business expenses are no longer tax right offs. That nice new combine or work boots will not count. College education doesn't count and there has been a 1% fee to all transactions. Have to pay for obamacare somehow.
100% not true.
Eeee! I think "halo" is right, my tax guy says there have been no appreciable changes to the regulations for deducting business expenses. He wasn't sure what the last part was about so I don't know on that one...
Also for all of you business owners. As of january 1st 2013 Business expenses are no longer tax right offs. That nice new combine or work boots will not count. College education doesn't count and there has been a 1% fee to all transactions. Have to pay for obamacare somehow.
You got that "information" where? Assuming what you say is true, and it is not, it would mean amendments had to have been made to the federal tax code. And amendments to the tax code have to go through congress. Getting anything through congress is not a simple matter. Particularly when the only thing the members of congress can agree on is that whatever the other party proposes (it doesn't matter what it is) is wrong.
Well here in Arizona, the minimum wage in the next year will go up to $7.80 an hour. A lot of people will be getting a bit of a raise. This may help some. Most of my neighbors will be getting it since they work in service industries. A lot of them already have two jobs because one job just doesn't cut it. They live three or four families to a house and have a common kitchen. There are economies of scale. They take turns watching the kids and doing house work.

When they need health care, they go to the emergency at the hospital. One of the guys from across the street got into an argument with some gangsters and got himself shot. The last I heard, the hospital bill was over $80,000. I doubt they will ever collect penny one from him. I wonder how Obama Care would work for him?

I do know that if they do actually do immigration reform that these people will be looking for a better life outside the barrio. And, they will not be satisfied with minimum wage.

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