Unemployment Benefits

It will be soon hubby will need to file for extension for his unemployment. Not sure if he will be getting the same amount. He is literally climbing the walls, up to the ceiling and I don't think he got back down LOL!

Unfortunately, applying over 200 jobs online and outside our door, he only had two interviews and two computer questionaires, he failed them all.

The questions that the computer ask him "Do you like ice cream?" You choose "Strongly disagree to strongly agree" and I thought why those questions? Why there isn't a warm body giving out the interviews? Computers don't know for sure if the person is qualify to go to the next step, which it would be "in person" interview with two people. I am guessing employers are getting more savvier with computer questionaires to weed out people that can not understand the questions or unable to complete it or giving the wrong answers.

I don't know the information if there will be an extension. Jobs are getting very poor, and only three ads (newspaper or questionable "stay at home" mailing businesses) and many professional and medical ads but they are more of a managerial positions, directors, supervisors, etc. Hubby does not follow in that agenda.

I think our Governor Quinn vetoed something about the unemployment benefits. Not sure exactly what.
It will be soon hubby will need to file for extension for his unemployment. Not sure if he will be getting the same amount. He is literally climbing the walls, up to the ceiling and I don't think he got back down LOL!

Unfortunately, applying over 200 jobs online and outside our door, he only had two interviews and two computer questionaires, he failed them all.

The questions that the computer ask him "Do you like ice cream?" You choose "Strongly disagree to strongly agree" and I thought why those questions? Why there isn't a warm body giving out the interviews? Computers don't know for sure if the person is qualify to go to the next step, which it would be "in person" interview with two people. I am guessing employers are getting more savvier with computer questionaires to weed out people that can not understand the questions or unable to complete it or giving the wrong answers.

I don't know the information if there will be an extension. Jobs are getting very poor, and only three ads (newspaper or questionable "stay at home" mailing businesses) and many professional and medical ads but they are more of a managerial positions, directors, supervisors, etc. Hubby does not follow in that agenda.

I think our Governor Quinn vetoed something about the unemployment benefits. Not sure exactly what.

The extensions are federal.
Ewesheep, I sure hope things work out for you. We are in difficult times now, and we need to think outside of the box. We cannot wait around to be called back to work at factories that have closed or moved abroad. We have to re invent ourselves. Those of us that are too old to start over just have to. There is no way around it. It helps if one has a skill that cannot be done overseas. But those cases are far and few between.

In previous bad times, people could emigrate to places that were still doing well. But this economic depression seems to be world wide now, and no country wants poor people without capital.

Bad times are good times for second hand stores. Selling used stuff at the swap meet is a good way to get started.

Also, if one has a skill that people are still willing to pay for, doing side jobs for cash may be the correct route. I hate to say it, but hiding income from the IRS may be a necessity. The government has us backed into a corner.

Good Luck!

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