Unhappy Neighbors -What to do about our cat.

Thanks Silkie, that pic was taken when he was an indoor/outdoor cat. His transition to full time outdoors was about three years ago. I have more pics of him...


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I would be very leary of someone willing to drive 40 miles for a cat.....stay away from Craigslist if you love your cat. I know a couple people who successfully use an invisible fence for their cat and it works wonderfully. One person even has it indoors to block them from certain areas.
I almost lost my mind with my old cat a few years back when he decided the litter box was not for him anymore. People on another forum suggested a product called "cat attract". It's a cat litter with something in it that makes it irresistible to them and he began using his box again. Never had an issue after using it. Even if you will not bring him inside, maybe put a box of it outside for him and see how he likes it. I'd tell the neighbor your plans and see what happens.
But really, craigslist is a virtual buffet for class B dealers and bunchers. A lot of people with very bad intentions for your pet will go there for free animals. No one in their right mind would drive 40 miles (esp with gas prices the way they are) for a cat they have never even met when they could get a free kitten just about anywhere. I applaud you for doing your best to keep good relations with your neighbor:)
While I would certainly use plenty of caution with craigslist, I don't think it's that odd that someone might be willing to drive that far for a cat. When I was looking for barn cats I was specifically looking for cats that couldn't be housepets. At first I tried a rescue that placed feral cats as barn cats, but the two they placed with me took off and were never seen again. I finally found a couple of semi-feral older kittens that have worked out well, but believe it or not it wasn't that easy to find what I was looking for. For an already neutered, vaccinated cat that's a good mouser and used to living outdoors - I'd drive 40 miles if I were still looking. Heck, where we live, my daughter's high school is about 25 miles away. Forty miles - that's nothing for us.
Jamie... maybe you can re-litter box train him?
Keep him confined to a SMALL room with his food/water and a litter box...
maybe even add some dirt or whatever hes pooping on outside to the top of the litter... (for a few days until he learns to use the box again)
I bet he CAN be re-trained to use the box .. i'd try that before you re-home him.
Hes a pretty boy!!

Good luck!
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An outdoor run would be best in mu opinion I am building one myself for y 3 indoor cats, just so they can get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air. I plan on putting a dog house out there and their food and some sun shelter and places for them to climb or sleep on. I think your cat would be really happy in a run and so would your neighbours and of course yourself. :0)
You can train them to use an area outdoors. A large sandbox works but it need to stay dry for them, it is really not that hard to train them my freinds mother has been doing it for the past 50 years.
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Even after 3 years of outdoor only, your kitty still looks like a lush fluffy indoor cat. LOL

As for someone driving 40 miles... the wonderful lady who dropped off the colony of ferals drove over 70 one way to deposit them at my place, all on her own dime, I just needed to provide escape free housing for two weeks so they learned this was their new home. They said two weeks, because when they had recommended one week, some of the ferals would travel dozens of miles back to their city colonies. I don't think everyone on CL is bad, just have to sort through them.
I drove to the next state over to adopt a pregnant momma cat and her year-old son from a Craigslist ad, and I still have them plus ALL of the kittens. Not all Craigslist replies are from crazy people.

Good luck re-homing your kitty, I'm sure you will find him a great new person and place to live.


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