University of California Egg Study

So you could have submitted 12 and they would have just only processed and picked 6?

Well, probably better, now you can eat them lol

I did eat them! I could have sent them only two But This is spring! Plenty of egg this time of year

I hope so!

Otherwise I assume they'd throw them out?

You never know. It is a lab and they do have odd rules sometimes.

That would be one way to get high quality free eggs.
"Send us 12, we'll pick 6 for the study. Regrettably we can not return those not selected."
They could eat well for months!

:gigThat would be very funny!
I read a news story about an egg Study to see if backyard chicken eggs are picking up toxins and poisons in backyard chicken flocks from the environment.

Backyard Chicken Egg Study

Live in California? Have backyard chickens?

Then we want you to participate in our backyard chicken egg study!
The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine (UCD SVM) is providing free egg contaminant testing for backyard chicken owners in the state of California. We are testing eggs for two different types of contaminants, depending on what county you live in.

Results will be shared individually with each owner, and cumulative results will be summarized and made available to the general public.

I have decided to join the Study by sending in a sample!

This thread is for documenting the journey. Anyone want to follow along?
eggs.JPG Study material! 9 missing, I was hungry!
Wish Louisiana was doing this, LSU ag could do it easily, I would think. Great idea, can't wait to see the results. Thanks for sharing.

This study is very likely being encouraged by HSUS. They never miss an opportunity to smear or belittle every level of animal husbandry from Tyson INC to the most lowly Back Yard Flock.

This would also be a good opportunity to test grocery store eggs of various brands and see how they stack up against your own flocks' cackle fruits. So buy a dozen eggs and get a chicken-less friend to submit them in your friend's name.
This study is very likely being encouraged by HSUS. They never miss an opportunity to smear or belittle every level of animal husbandry from Tyson INC to the most lowly Back Yard Flock.

This would also be a good opportunity to test grocery store eggs of various brands and see how they stack up against your own flocks' cackle fruits. So buy a dozen eggs and get a chicken-less friend to submit them in your friend's name.
:yesss: I LOVE this idea!
Of course that would skew the results and possibly render the results useless. I doubt the researchers are part of any government plot, maybe they deserve the benefit of a doubt.
It is research from a Tier one research University. The Davis Vet Med school is number one rated in the Country too.

Go Aggies!
Yep. Though I do agree they should have control eggs from non fire areas and from 'egg factory' farms from the fire areas. IF there is any effect on the eggs, it would be interesting to see if there is a difference between large flocks in confined areas vs small flocks in peoples' yards.
I have not read the study yet. I will be talking about that the controls with the them and see if that is a part of follow up study recommendations.

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