Mouse, I read those references you included. In each case, they include statements such as "The Cambrian is BELIEVED to be ...." so many years old. "These worms are CONSIDERED to be..." man's earliest ancestors. Etc. These are basically unproved opinions. Again, because, as is true in any FAITH-BASED belief system, these statements cannot be proved by the scientific method. They are and remain, hypotheses. They cannot be experientially replicated. Please understand, I am not mocking them. I only seek to reveal them for what they are. They claim to be science, but they are not.
That's like saying "We BELIEVE COVID-19 is related to other corona viruses" or the people who say "The theory of _____ is just a theory!". This is just.... SUCH a fundamental misunderstanding of the scientific method.
But the easy way to put it is they're covering their butts. :T None of them "believe" this stuff, they KNOW this stuff. They are just leaving room for error because whenever science gets something wrong people go "ooh! Look! Science is all just made up and they don't know what they're doing!" which is just... Not how any of that works. They're just learning more, new things.