**Update** 4 chicks!

2 hatched and 2 more pips! YAY! Can't wait to get home and see them! (my DH called me to tell me the good news)
Yeah for new fuzz butts!!! (BTW, if they pipped late, you may have run your temp a bit too low.)

Enjoy your new little ones!
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I had a power outage the first week they were in the Bator due to the freak Georgia snowstorm. And I did notice a few cooler spots in there. I will be fixing that before the next hatch.. LOL Yeah, just 12 hours ago I was saying "Never again".. now counting down to figure out my next hatch date, and how long I have to fashion a turner.
4 baby chicks are completely out of thier eggs! 2 NN babies, and 2 BR mix babies. Still no pips on the last egg.

How long does it usually take for the chicks to dry and fluff out? My humididty shot up to 89% after they started breaking out of the shells so I had to take out another vent plug to get it back closer to 60%.


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