Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

Make sure you do...I never did and it's one of my only regrets.

coffeemama- I think that's the trailor or advertisement...it was a long documentary and actually showed Ricki Lake giving birth etc. I watched it the first time on recommendation from someone else...kind of against my will, I'm not into tabloid stuff or celebrity fads....anyhow, it was truly phenomenal.

Well darn-it used to be on there-I watched it there a while ago.
My husband had to hold our daughters head, while we all took a break,
she was then born into his hands. Her cord was too short for her to get on my chest
so she had to lie on my belly while we waited for the cord to stop pumping.
My husband had to hold our daughters head, while we all took a break,
she was then born into his hands. Her cord was too short for her to get on my chest
so she had to lie on my belly while we waited for the cord to stop pumping.

My dh was supposed to reach down and catch dd (in the water) but he got this shocked look on his face when she came out. The midwives were looking at him like "Ummm, your turn buddy". Finally I reached down and scooped her up. I guess I had to just do it all!
For those of you who are pregnant, I would like to let you know that these things are natural occurrences. I was in labor for 3 days and had a backwards baby and birthed her just fine with no interventions. My midwife friend has delivered dozens of breech babies-one was 13+ lbs. Cords are often wrapped around the baby-you just unwrap it in most cases.

Just wanted to take out the panic factor here

In my opinion, the most important thing is not a birth plan, but is being educated. It's called informed choice, and many birth providers could take a lesson in it!

How are the laboring mamas? Check in time!

In our hopital the wont even try to deliver breech babies... Its so small that they will send you to the big hospital if there is time (about an hour a way) So if your baby is breech its an auto c-section !!
My husband had to hold our daughters head, while we all took a break,
she was then born into his hands. Her cord was too short for her to get on my chest
so she had to lie on my belly while we waited for the cord to stop pumping.

My dh was supposed to reach down and catch dd (in the water) but he got this shocked look on his face when she came out. The midwives were looking at him like "Ummm, your turn buddy". Finally I reached down and scooped her up. I guess I had to just do it all!

God forbid he did somthing GEEZ

Even bigger hospitals are getting this way. My friend (who delivered in a hospital) had a breach baby and actually went to my midwives to have it gently turned instead of the often painful way they do it in the hospital. It worked for her-yay-so she didn't have to schedule a c-sec.

I know!
We learned about that last night in class (how they turn babies)
And OMG !!! Sounded SOOOOO painful (she did say they were nice and gave an epidural while they do it) And then to know that even if they do "turn" the baby he/she could very well flip back around !!!

I'm sooooo happy the baby is the right way !!!

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