Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

Thanks for sharing that Liz *sniff*

I want that-but I'm not pg so it probably would be a bit much in my case
Before I had my son I wanted to have a water birth so bad. Nobody around here does that so I had to settle for a hospital birth. I was in labor for three days and had my blood drawn every four hours. I went in there not wanting a C-section. On the last day I didn't care what they did, I just wanted him out. I heard that it takes longer to heal from a c section that's why I didn't want one.
Okay.....thanks for the wonderful You-tube! That was great....keep us posted....I should share my story.....( here's a blub: twins born at 27 weeks in 1986!) ..........stay tuned...........
I can so relate! By my 40th hour with DS#1 I was so exhausted that I actually said that I didn't care if they got him out with a chainsaw, I just wanted him OUT! Fortunately, he was born 2 hours later.
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Okay....I'm coming over! I'm eating leftovers

Have you been having braxton hicks?

LOL, ohhh it was sooo good.... Hubby made the bacon and homefries (hes not allowed to cook my eggs, LOL) Plus he doesnt eat eggs so doesnt have a clue on how to cook them....

They were silkie eggs so guess 5 doesnt sound that bad

Nope no braxton hicks, i asked the doc if that was normal for someone to never have any and just go in to real labor and he said yes just makes me lucky !!!
Thanks for sharing that Liz *sniff*

I want that-but I'm not pg so it probably would be a bit much in my case

LOL, It wasnt in till I dropped that I could eat like that !!! hubby asked me for a long while "babe you didnt eat much you ok" and I would say yah thats all i can fit... Well, then I dropped and OMG.... I could EVERYTHING !!!
Hmmm, you might be having BCs and just not realize what they are. They're not typically painful... kind of feel like a strong hug around the belly. Sometimes it feels like it pushes blood into your head. Feeling anything like that?? I don't know why the OB would say you're lucky for not having any... it's your uterus's way of exercising and getting ready for labor. Sounds like your OB is a typical man!

edited to add... I think I remember reading that it is more common for 2nd time moms (or more) to have/feel BCs... probably because we know what labor feels like and are really tuned in to any and all uterus activity.
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LOL just go with what your instinct says, eat as much as you want you will need it.

I was thinking that.... Today I have been SUPER hungry way more than normal and have been eating everything I can think of, I was thinking maybe it was my bodys way of preping me !!!
For my 1st. daughter , I walked out of my bedroom at 10:05 PM and I felt like a ton of bricks brick had fell out of me . I actually fell ... She had placed herself ... 10:15 I had my 1st. contraction . stayed in hard labor for 11 hours with no dialation & hemmorging BAD . She was born by c-section at 9:15 Am the next morning ....

Alot of babies place themselves a month ahead of being born . I guess I was lucky ?
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