Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

WOW 10lb 3oz is HUGE for a first! My third was 11lb 5oz and 23 inches long. They took(c-sect) him a week after my due date and the dr said his placenta looked so good it could have lasted another couple of weeks
. He is just a big boy, just turned 8 and his feet are in a mens size 6, poor kids falls over his feet all the time, I feel bad for when he hits puberty

After 3 days in labor with my first I went to the doctor and told her I couldn't handle it anymore. We went up to the hospital to be "monitored" and my mother had me jogging the halls. It worked, feet super swollen, but it worked
Swtangel, if you aren't able to get comfy while at home try filling your bathtub with warm water and taking a nice, long soak. I found laboring in water very relaxing. And you'd be amazed at what your body can do when it's good and relaxed. What the heck, just get in there and take a nap.

I'm so excited for you!
I hope you don't get back labor - it is very uncomfortable. Hang in there and hop in a nice warm bath or shower if it get uncomfortable for you.

If she has been having back pain and crampy pain, it sounds like it already is back labor....I don't envy you that! Maybe it will go quickly, so it won't be so bad
Yes, posterior or sunny side up. I'd suggest you check out the spinning babies web site and do some of the exercises there to get him NOT sunny side up. They're very easy to do and if he gets in prime position, labor and delivery can go a lot quicker.

Something as simple as sitting up straight/good posture can help get babe in prime position. (Though the other exercises are good, too.)

If he's completely engaged, I'm not sure if the positioning exercises will be effective, though. I've not checked if it works then.

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