Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!


And I thought my first was big at 9lbs 6oz...
My babe was posterior until she came out-many hours of back labor which sucked! I second checking out the spinning babies website http://spinningbabies.simplwebsite.com/ it does work and certainly can't hurt. Unfortunately for me they didn't know dd was posterior until I was well into labor. Did they do an ultrasound on any of these hospital/dr. visits you've been on?
I've had 4 children and the smallest was my daughter at 7#4oz. My boys were big ( 8lb 14 o, 15#, 12# 2 oz. ) The second by the time he was actually weighed the hospital had him weighing 12# 4 oz.
Our babies are 14 oz now... (Still in the womb)
But our older kids were Cassidy was 7lbs12oz, Jacob 8lbs3oz and Morgan was 6lbs12oz.

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