Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

you know, if you get pregnant now, you won't have the baby until after you graduate, so its basically the same thing
Teen, here.

No baby desires. Okay, so I've always been REALLY maternal and have wanted one since I was like, 6...but no more desire than usual. And definitely no intention to act.

I'm getting impatient!

...to get news, I mean...not get pregnant...
This May? That's only 4 months away. It takes 9 months to cook a baby, ya know.

Yeah, but what if I get morning sickness? It doesn't look good to clients if I'm puking all over their animals while they're at the vet school.

Hadn't thought of that. Probably because I never had morning sickness.
I want a baby also.. then I spend the day with my niece and nephew who are 4 and 2,, and dealing with them changes my mind. My sis in law is due with her 3rd in april and the way i see her always being sick I think not now. I love babies but when the start walking and talking they are a handful!! I will be glad when she has the third one so I get the perks of seeing it and also able to give it back and leave when it is cranky.
I had my youngest at home and it was a WAY better experience than the other 4. Think happy hatching thoughts.
I had my youngest at home and it was a WAY better experience than the other 4.

Ditto, except she was my last of 4 instead of 5. Can't believe that was 7-1/2 years ago.
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