Update on Turkey Poults in Heat Wave


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 28, 2007
Fresno, California
Here's just a short update on my daughter's FFA project poults we had indoors who needed to be relocated to the high school farm. It was over 100 degrees F. here and we were worried about them adapting to the heat outdoors since they had been pampered poults inside our home since we got them.

Everything went well. We kept them at home until the temps dropped to the mid-90s. A couple of parents put tarp and insulated plywood over the top and upper sides of the turkey pens. We relocated the four poults late in the day and they did fine. They're 9 weeks old now and growing like crazy.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. Raising turkeys is new to us this year and it's been a fun experience so far.


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