UPDATE WITH EYES OPEN PIC: #8 Baby chick born with eyes closed.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I have a baby chick that was hatched yesterday but it's eyes are closed. It looks like she has eyes but she can't open her eyes. I checked on her this morning and she is moving around and when I call her, her head is turned towards me at attention as she follows the sound of my voice. What do you think happened? What can I do to help her?
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How is she now? Did you try just gently wiping the eyes with a warm water cloth in case they were just sticky? Let us know what happens.
I'm interested in finding out how this plays out as well. A warm damp cloth held over the eye is the best bet for puppy's and kittens having a hard time opening their eye's so Id say try it. Maybe 2 or 3 times a day at least.

AND DO NOT PULL ON THE LIDS. if they are going to open they will do it on their own. Best not to injure the poor little thing.
UPDATE: When I got home, the baby chick's eyes were still closed. I prepared all of the materials that I would need. I had on hand the following:

1. a few cut up pieces of a small towel (the sizes of quarters).
2. cup of warm water
3. children's liquid vitamins
4. molasses and water mixture
5. syringe
6. chick/starter mash
7. Terramycin
8. Q-tips
9. lots of hope, love and gentle hands

I brought the baby chick inside and placed it on a towel on the coffee table. I placed the cut up piece of towel in the warm water. I then gently wiped the chicks eyelids. I did this several times. I wiped both eye lids about 5 times each. I did this process about 3 times, so each eyelid was wiped 15 times. Towards the end of wiping the eyes, both eyes began to open. I was SPEECHLESS to see that it happened so fast. I guess there was some of the substance from the egg that had dried up and that was on the eyelids that prevented the eyelids form opening. I made sure that the poor baby had eyes and yes she did. I took some pics with my cell phone. The pics aren't too good because I had to try to hold the baby and take the pic. She was moving all over.

After getting her eyes open, I fed her some mash and dropped some liquid vitamins in her mouth. I also dropped a mixture of molasses and water in her mouth as well. After she ate, I then took the Q-tip and placed a small drop of terramycin on the q-tip and dabbed the terramycin around her eyes. I didn't put it in her eyes. I was really unsure if it was ok to put some in her eyes, so I just dabbed it around her eyes. After that, I could tell that she was getting restless. She was falling asleep on the table. I then brought her back outside and placed her under a warm broody hen.

I checked on her this morning and she was doing great! I did the same procedure this morning that I did last night. She is back under a broody hen. I will do this until I think she doesn't need it anymore. Because she was born too early, her head is a little small and she has some scabs around her eyes. It's healing good but I will still monitor it.

So far, everything is ok. I will keep everyone updated either way.


It's been about 5 days since my first post about the chick born with it's eyes closed. Well, I wanted to update everyone to let you all know that 'Peanut" (my baby chicks new name) is doing GREAT !!! He has fully recovered. His eyes are wide open and he is thriving fully alongside his brothers and sisters. He body frame is a little smaller but he is getting around like any other baby chick. So everything turned out a success. Thanks for all the posts and the well-wishes. Thanks for your support.

Before pic with eyes barely open after wiping eyes and caring for after 24 hours.

After pic - after caring for eyes for several days. Pic of my chick with his eyes wide open.

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guys help me! i have a black chick 2 says old it wont open its eyes and it just sits there. i gave it some water but it wont eat. i found it by the mother in the shell. its head was out of the shell buts that's it. please help me!
UPDATE: When I got home, the baby chick's eyes were still closed. I prepared all of the materials that I would need. I had on hand the following:

1. a few cut up pieces of a small towel (the sizes of quarters).
2. cup of warm water
3. children's liquid vitamins
4. molasses and water mixture
5. syringe
6. chick/starter mash
7. Terramycin
8. Q-tips
9. lots of hope, love and gentle hands

I brought the baby chick inside and placed it on a towel on the coffee table. I placed the cut up piece of towel in the warm water. I then gently wiped the chicks eyelids. I did this several times. I wiped both eye lids about 5 times each. I did this process about 3 times, so each eyelid was wiped 15 times. Towards the end of wiping the eyes, both eyes began to open. I was SPEECHLESS to see that it happened so fast. I guess there was some of the substance from the egg that had dried up and that was on the eyelids that prevented the eyelids form opening. I made sure that the poor baby had eyes and yes she did. I took some pics with my cell phone. The pics aren't too good because I had to try to hold the baby and take the pic. She was moving all over.

After getting her eyes open, I fed her some mash and dropped some liquid vitamins in her mouth. I also dropped a mixture of molasses and water in her mouth as well. After she ate, I then took the Q-tip and placed a small drop of terramycin on the q-tip and dabbed the terramycin around her eyes. I didn't put it in her eyes. I was really unsure if it was ok to put some in her eyes, so I just dabbed it around her eyes. After that, I could tell that she was getting restless. She was falling asleep on the table. I then brought her back outside and placed her under a warm broody hen.

I checked on her this morning and she was doing great! I did the same procedure this morning that I did last night. She is back under a broody hen. I will do this until I think she doesn't need it anymore. Because she was born too early, her head is a little small and she has some scabs around her eyes. It's healing good but I will still monitor it.

So far, everything is ok. I will keep everyone updated either way.


I have a chick who’s eyes aren’t open. She has also been pecked on both sides of her head by mom. I’m trying to help her but don’t know what to do. What vitamins did you use?
How much molasses to water?
I’ve wiped her eyes and nothing. I’ll try again later. I think she’s trying and I want to help her. Please help me if you can.

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