Urban chicken people...i have a question

I live in the city and my chickens just chill in my backyard during the day. We did loose a couple of juvinals last year to a hawk, but this year although the hawk has done flyovers, I haven't lost any. I do highly recommend locking them up tight at night. I am more worried about raccoons than any other predator.

Also - only one of my birds hops the fence. Most of them stay in the fence because the alpha roo is a showgirl who can't get over the fence and they would rather stay with him. The one that gets over it is a cuckoo maran hen who is somewhat of a loner. She does stay near the fence though.

I guess the grass is always greener on the other side to her
We live in the country, but we lost a few to hawks, so we decided to cover the run. Hubby went and got PVC pipe and some fencing. He did use horse fencing, which is heavier, flexible, and more expensive, but you can use chicken wire (which we still have on half of our back run because, did I mention it was expensive?) He got some PVC T joints and X joints to make the roof like an aviary. He domed the fencing and up and wired it to the sides of the pen. He did have to run some wire supports across the width of the pen because the weight and pressure of the fencing was trying to bow the sides out.

I know chicken wire won't keep out a determined predator, but it at least deters them and keeps everybody contained.
I use green snow fence for the top of my runs and it did a good job for four years I've had it. Only once I had a coon or possum got to the top and got themselves tangled up in it and not had seen once since then. I know I take a chance but my pop door is open at all times and had no predators except rats gaining access to it.

Pit bull dogs or any dog with massive head and chest, they will gain access to it even with the hardware wire door I had, they literally tore the wire off from the wooden frame and tore the door off from its hinges. That is how strong those dogs were. The chain link, forget it, they just bypass it.
I'd say give it a try but you do risk losing a chicken to raccoons, hawks or other beasts, depending on where you are. I'm in Oakland CA, a very urban area surrounded by dogs in fenced in yards including my own, and we have tons of raccoons, possums, hawks and owls. Raccoons sometimes come out before the sun goes down. One tried to break into the coop the other night. My dogs have chased a particular family of raccoons out of the yard on numerous occasions but they still come back, they are clever enough to know when the dogs are inside. I would not say the presence of dogs around you is enough to keep them away.

Good luck,
About this time every year I get plastic netting to cover my pond -- to reduce the amount of leaves and debris getting in. It's about $14 at Home Depot or Lowes; it is 10' x 15'. Although it won't go very far to deter possums or raccoons, surely it would protect against hawk attacks.

I don't have a run at all, and the chickens run around my yard all day. I live in the city, have a dog on one side of me, a wooded area behind my house with a creek going through it, raccons and oppossums are around, and we have hawks flying around all day.

We have never had an attack on one of our chickens, but we also have two big dogs in our yard. They are wonderful protectors. Do you have dogs? It would be cheaper to let the dogs watch over the chickens during the day if that is an option.
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Great Neighbor!!!!!! I am proud he is going to help you. You will be more comfortable sleeping at night and your chickens will be safer during the day. What about cats? Could they be a threat in your neighborhood?

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