Urgent! Day 29 no pipping


In the Brooder
May 27, 2023
So it's day 29...no rocking, no pipping, nothing. The second day of incubation the plug came out so they cooled and we started again on day 3. Could this mean the eggs will just take longer to hatch? Or have my baby duckies died?
So it's day 29...no rocking, no pipping, nothing. The second day of incubation the plug came out so they cooled and we started again on day 3. Could this mean the eggs will just take longer to hatch? Or have my baby duckies died?
The cooling can cause a delay for sure
You can candle the eggs and look for movement
Check to see if baby is in the air cell yet
Look for any bruising on the egg outside the air cell
Let me know what you see
I currently have an egg on day 32 with no internal pip and no bruising but baby is still moving
All other eggs hatched day 28-29
As normal
The school used their own bator so I’m not sure if it had a cool spot but we are not giving up till baby either hatches or passes
The cooling can cause a delay for sure
You can candle the eggs and look for movement
Check to see if baby is in the air cell yet
Look for any bruising on the egg outside the air cell
Let me know what you see
I currently have an egg on day 32 with no internal pip and no bruising but baby is still moving
All other eggs hatched day 28-29
As normal
The school used their own bator so I’m not sure if it had a cool spot but we are not giving up till baby either hatches or passes
Wouldn't opening to candle cool them down? I darent take the top off (just a brinsea mini 2). One has a tiny pip now but no sound or motion from that egg or any others..

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