Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

Praise God!!! It is just a concussion!! She has to have surgery on her arm either today or tomorrow. She will be getting pins to set it and keep it in place. It was crushed pretty badly. The kids have just left to go to their aunts house to stay until she gets home from the hospital. Everybody slept suprisingly well last night. The son was still a little upset, but he did very well under the circumstances, only crying a few times. Thank everybody for their prayers and well wishes!!! That vehicle is mangled, still sitting where she wrecked it. It was flipped and rolled when she slid off the road. It is nothing shy of a miracle that she is even alive!!! Prayer works!!! Thank you all so much and thank God it wasn't worse!
She made it home folks! I'll be cooking for the family for the next few weeks until she can manage a little on her own without pain meds. Surgery yesterday went good. No cast for the arm, just a bunch of pins. She took 20 something stitches, and a dozen or so staples to her head and face. She fell asleep mid conversation when I went to visit her, so I just let her sleep. She was a wee bit more banged up than I thought she was. I never got to go to the hospital due to the slick roads. The kids have not seen her yet, but they are on their way home now. I hope they don't freak out....or hug too hard
Keep these folks in your prayers still, it's going to be a pretty lengthy recovery, aside from the fact they had NO insurance..ugh! Thanks again for all the prayers!!

They had neither health NOR auto insurance!! Another victim of this cruddy economy unfortunately. They can't afford either, and she has been working 2 jobs lately just to make ends meet. That's why I asked for further prayers for them. It's been a long couple of years financially, and every other which way!! Thanks for continuing to pray for them for all who are still lifting them up!!
Glad she is doing okay!!

I feel so bad for them with no insurance..eeeek! Ouch!!...

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