Urgent! Quails pecking each other

Not drawing blood but however quail 3 now tolerated quail 2 and 1 but quail 1 panicked when it sees quail 3
One of our is being bullied by the other chickens, too. I just keep her away from the others by putting her away from them and sometimes watching over her. If the others are bulling her, just stop them so that they know that it's wrong.
I'm not sure how sure situation will work out, or if they will stop, but I hope everything goes smooth!
In my limited experience, you can keep 2+ males together near females, just not with females. They will peck each other and there will be bald spots, but the alternative is processing them (butchering) which you or someone in your household may not be ok with. Some quail are just best on their own b/c they are jerks. If you are willing to put up with cleaning another cage you'll have a little buddy you can try bonding with 1-on-1.
In my limited experience, you can keep 2+ males together near females, just not with females. They will peck each other and there will be bald spots, but the alternative is processing them (butchering) which you or someone in your household may not be ok with. Some quail are just best on their own b/c they are jerks. If you are willing to put up with cleaning another cage you'll have a little buddy you can try bonding with 1-on-1.
have had them for almost a year I’m in positive it’s 1 male and 3 females

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