URGENT: rabbit with limp hind legs


Not Dutch!
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
One of my rabbits was loose in the yard and, when he was found tonight, had limp hind legs. He acts pretty much normal - eating, hopping around as best he can - but doesn't fight as much as usual when picked up. He may have some use of the legs, but mostly he just moves around with his front feet and slides with his back end. He can still move fairly quickly along the ground. I cannot tell whether the lameness is in just one leg or both or in the back.

I have no idea what happened. I have honestly almost never seen him jump in the air or "binky" like most rabbits, so I doubt he hurt himself that way. Plus he gets lots of exercise daily. The chickens were loose with him - could they have hurt him? He did have access to all the plants in our yard plus the houseplants on the back deck.

I didn't have time to carry out a thorough examination, but I will tomorrow morning. I ran my hands over his hips and back and didn't feel anything out of the ordinary, as far as I could tell. He didn't seem to be in any pain and wasn't acting strangely.

What to do (besides the vet)???
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I'm thinking a bruised or broken back.

How do I tell the difference? If it is broken, does he need to be put down?
Sounds like he may have suffered a spinal cord injury. It can be somewhat common in rabbits. Is he able to urinate and defecate properly? Do his limbs feel warm or cool to the touch? Any visible deformation along the spine?

If this is the case and his spinal cord truly has been damaged, it is generally an indication for euthanasia, mostly due to their limited mobility and often the inability to move to urinate and defecate. However, I've seen some people come up with creative solutions for disabled pet bunnies and they seem to do fairly well.

You may want to give him a few days in an enclosure to see if there is any improvement.
He is passing droppings fine, although he doesn't get up to do it. I'm not sure whether he is urinating. His ears are warm. The limbs feel normal, warm as usual. The spine doesn't look or feel unusual.

We put him indoors in the smallest cage we have. He doesn't seem to be in pain and is eating and drinking. He doesn't like to move around but he will stand up from time to time, sitting up normally. If put on the ground he will move around at a surprising speed.

We gave him 1/10 of a cc of Ivermectin, in his mouth, in case this was caused by E. Cuniculi.

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