
I'm so happy they came around like that! I wish we could take them, but we've got too many right now too. Good luck finding them a home!
Edited to add they have found a home!

We just got our Mother Earth News -- there's a photo were someone fenced in the bottom of their trampoline. WAY cool idea and moveable too! We just might be doing that for some of our girls...when we see ground lol. Of course in our area we'll bring them in at night or make a protective shelter.

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Marty, et al -

Have any of you ordered Delawares yet? I'd like to get 2 or 3 pullets, but don't want to go through the hassle of placing an order for so few. If any of you have any Delawares coming this spring and would sell me a few, please let me know!

I got mine in yesterday, I can't tell the diff between them and the leghorns! Thought I got an extra but then my daughter noticed a little fluffier face so we started a leg inspection and think we hv a white americana, dang it - I'll bet money it's a roo. Probably the "free exotic".

P.O. SO ticked me off. Our pkg pickup here moved to a central location and at 9:30am I called the old one, (awesome ppl). She said if I didn't get a call they didn't come in. I got the # and called anyway and they said "let me check". WTH? A small PO can't hear a box that peeps and says "LIVE ANIMALS"?!! Sure enough, they were there. Tracking showed they arrived at 5am. I asked the supervisor why I wasn't called. She rudely said your number's not on the box -- I pointed it out, right below where it says call immediately upon arrival. I will be filing a complaint.

Box was extremely cold and chicks also, none DOA but they've been dropping 1 by 1.
Out of 43 five hv died and 3 are in the infirmary. I ordered only 2 silver spangled hamburgs and one of those and a buff silkie for Betsy lost during the night.

I'd file a complaint too. There is no excuse for that.

Our post office did the opposite. They were rude on the phone and said they would come when they come. Then some wonderful lady called us before the post office even opened and made arrangements for us to pick them up early, which was absolutely amazing!
I hv to update ya'll on Betsy. She has the corner of the kitchen next to the chihuahuas pen. Our youngest chihuahua just loves her and we let Betsy out with them every afternoon/evening to get exercise & closer companionship. She has now started eating their dog kibble right along with them, we thought that was pretty cute...until last night. No, not ugly -- it got cuter.

She started playing with Chino (the youngest chi) just like a dog. Not the feathers fluffed or chest bump, but the puppy play thing, bouncing and darting with each other. It was hilarious.

My husband said now only if she'd start barking....we'll be rich!
Hi there,

Recently moved here from New Jersey where we had a large (for us) flock of 14 birds. I've finished the plans for a new coop and should be able to start construction this weekend. We're picking up chicks tomorrow and will also try our hand at hatching some eggs. Feeling good about getting chickens again, the whole family has missed them since the move.

The hatching eggs will me Marans so if we have extras I'll need to find them homes...

Good to be here and it's nice to re-read all this great information.


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