
Got a rare day off here, so we are up at the land. I opened the Wyandotte runs to spray them with oxine and now I have my pretty BLRWs scratching about at my feet. I love how calm and friendly these birds are as adults! The Isbars and Cream Legbars are having a nice little conjugal visit and we've brought a bunch of the juvenile of various flavors up to grow out in their own pen.

I have a few eggs due to hatch this weekend if you want one of the chicks, but they are Cream Legbars, so going to grow a lot faster than your tiny tot.
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Oh, I"m so glad you got it ok!! Isn't it a beautiful little chick???  Everybody was asking about it at chickenstock =)

Ahh... cute!!  Is that an EE? Almost looked like a speckled sussex, then I saw the puffy cheeks

Oh dear... many thoughts and prayers going out to Diana!!

Yep, I still have him, he is now almost 8 weeks old (my how time flies!!  They are really a lot prettier than I thought they would be, lol

Christina, love the set-up and WOW the variety of birds you will have, I"m so jealous I could  :tongue   haha, just kidding   Now I know where to get some birds in the future...  do you really need to wait 2 years for that black orp roo??  Seems I've read the black really helps improve the lavender....   I say get Michelle's roo!!

Yes, she is an EE chickie.

Sasha, thank you for letting us know about Sundance. I am so sorry to hear she is sick!
I looked at the wrong pic lol
Wrong post. Sphinx that is awesome all your eggs are hatching! :celebrate

I need to put some of my eggs in your bator lol as an insurance policy at least SOME will hatch. Heck knows nothing hatches in mine lately!

But the quail are doing good so far, so I better knock on wood quick!
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Pssstt.......like I said in my message to you....you can use him next year in your chocolate program to breed them up to LF.....and if you get a black pullet and put her with your bantam chocolate roo you will know male/female at hatch and will be on your way to creating your own line of LF chocolate orps.

Yeah, what she said, I forgot they're also used to improve the chocolate, lol... see Christina, you should just get him!!!! He'll come in handy somewhere, lol!

Does anyone have any tiny babies they've hatched in the last 3 days, or going to be hatching in the next couple? I have a single Serama chick that hatched last night. It's hatch mate quit right after lockdown, it looks like. :( Baby is all alone! Excited to see what color it ends up being...looks black on top, blue on the belly, yellow under the chin. :) Will take some pics soon!
Here's a pic I just took of one of my bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas that Auntie Hattie gave me last fall. Isn't she pretty?

Cool, she's pretty!

Had my first "chick riding the rail" experience today.. and I'm trying to figure out how it happened, b/c I have eggs due for lockdown today (day 17), weird...
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What does "chick riding the rail" mean? Early?

It means the egg hatched early, while it was still in the turner. Usually, you take them out of the turner on day 17, and leave them in a higher humidity, no movement environment. Once in a while they will hatch (very) early. They call this riding the rails because the turner is still moving. Sometimes people forget to lock down and they have chicks ridin the rail that way also.
Christina/Daloorashens/Sphinx-- Daloorashens is in Id Falls, where we were for Chickenstock...I have family and go there quite a bit, that is where I am from originally....if I go anytime soon I can let you all know and get the Legbar Roo for Sphinx
My Mom is coming to my house on May 29 for Graduation, she lives in Blackfoot (25 min south of Daloorashens), if there was a way to get it to my Mom she could even bring it with.
You are the best Casa....

I have been worrying about Sphinx and that little roo since she told me hers passed.
Yeah, what she said, I forgot they're also used to improve the chocolate, lol... see Christina, you should just get him!!!! He'll come in handy somewhere, lol!

Yep, Pawtraitart and I already spoke over it. He's coming home with me when I go up for the Mottled AMs.

The Blacks Orps will help not only the Lav Orps but also the Chocs. PERFECT!!!!!
Sphinx, on the Idaho thread, Birdguy said his parents could bring Mesha's legbar roo to me on Thurs or Fri...they are coming from Id falls to Logan...

Christina, would you want to meet Sphinx on your way back south from my house on Saturday and take the roo to her? Sphinx are you around Sat evening/late afternoon?

If not I would be glad to keep him in my garage for you until we can meet up.

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