
We got her last summer from my husband's "friends" or someone he knew. She and two others she came with started my chicken fever :\. Poor girl was almost completely bald. She had lived her life in a small cage.:'( I'll have to see if I can find a picture of her back then. Her name is Dorothy.
So, I couldn't find a picture of Dorothy. But this is a hen that came with her, Dorothy was worse off than she was.
Hi all--

Crazy times here. Between all the animal trauma, my mother going in and out of the hospital, and working 12-14 hour shifts almost every day, I have very little time anymore. :( The boys have been awesome, taking care of things at home while my roommates have been taking water to the chickens up at the land. However, they forgot to take food this weekend, so I have to go up there Tuesday (which is pretty much my only day off this week) with a few hundred pounds to tide them over for a while.

Anyway, it's time to pare down on the number of chickens, since I am going up there anyway. The non-crested cream legbars have to go (Desert, do you still want them?), and I am seriously thinking about selling the Isbars, since I seem to have a curse upon me where they are concerned. There are 2 Isbar Roosters (adult) and 5 girls (1 adult, 4 juvies). I don't even know how many birds I have anymore. Bad chicken mommy, bad. I do know I have over a dozen chicks in the brooder room, couple of weeks old. Mostly BLRW with a few Cream Legbars thrown in. Oy. Probably have to get rid of a few of Joel's Welsummers, too. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. There just isn't enough time anymore to even get them up on KSL. If anyone wants any of these, let me know...
sara--So glad you rescued those hens!

corvidae--Your life sounds SO hectic right now! I am glad your sons & roommates have been helpful. I hope you're able to find homes for some of your chickens.
Hi all-- Crazy times here. Between all the animal trauma, my mother going in and out of the hospital, and working 12-14 hour shifts almost every day, I have very little time anymore. :( The boys have been awesome, taking care of things at home while my roommates have been taking water to the chickens up at the land. However, they forgot to take food this weekend, so I have to go up there Tuesday (which is pretty much my only day off this week) with a few hundred pounds to tide them over for a while. Anyway, it's time to pare down on the number of chickens, since I am going up there anyway. The non-crested cream legbars have to go (Desert, do you still want them?), and I am seriously thinking about selling the Isbars, since I seem to have a curse upon me where they are concerned. There are 2 Isbar Roosters (adult) and 5 girls (1 adult, 4 juvies). I don't even know how many birds I have anymore. Bad chicken mommy, bad. I do know I have over a dozen chicks in the brooder room, couple of weeks old. Mostly BLRW with a few Cream Legbars thrown in. Oy. Probably have to get rid of a few of Joel's Welsummers, too. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. There just isn't enough time anymore to even get them up on KSL. If anyone wants any of these, let me know...
Wow Corvidae,

When it rains, it pours.

Yes, I am still interested in any Legbars you have available, grown, babies and all. Already have a Legbar coop and run in place. My own curse, with the Legbars, is finally fading since I've been so intent on over coming it!!

And BTW: If you ever need me to feed, just let me know!!! I'm here in Duchesne. It would be healthy for me to get away from the home site (family drama)!!

If you decide to keep your Isbars for a but longer, I have been drooling over them and will buy them from you in the near future. Just don't have all my ducks in a row right now to handle another breed.

Stay strong!! Things will get better.
Hi all-- Crazy times here. Between all the animal trauma, my mother going in and out of the hospital, and working 12-14 hour shifts almost every day, I have very little time anymore. :( The boys have been awesome, taking care of things at home while my roommates have been taking water to the chickens up at the land. However, they forgot to take food this weekend, so I have to go up there Tuesday (which is pretty much my only day off this week) with a few hundred pounds to tide them over for a while. Anyway, it's time to pare down on the number of chickens, since I am going up there anyway. The non-crested cream legbars have to go (Desert, do you still want them?), and I am seriously thinking about selling the Isbars, since I seem to have a curse upon me where they are concerned. There are 2 Isbar Roosters (adult) and 5 girls (1 adult, 4 juvies). I don't even know how many birds I have anymore. Bad chicken mommy, bad. I do know I have over a dozen chicks in the brooder room, couple of weeks old. Mostly BLRW with a few Cream Legbars thrown in. Oy. Probably have to get rid of a few of Joel's Welsummers, too. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. There just isn't enough time anymore to even get them up on KSL. If anyone wants any of these, let me know...
I would be interested in a couple welsummers, if they need a new home.
Hi all-- Crazy times here. Between all the animal trauma, my mother going in and out of the hospital, and working 12-14 hour shifts almost every day, I have very little time anymore. :( The boys have been awesome, taking care of things at home while my roommates have been taking water to the chickens up at the land. However, they forgot to take food this weekend, so I have to go up there Tuesday (which is pretty much my only day off this week) with a few hundred pounds to tide them over for a while. Anyway, it's time to pare down on the number of chickens, since I am going up there anyway. The non-crested cream legbars have to go (Desert, do you still want them?), and I am seriously thinking about selling the Isbars, since I seem to have a curse upon me where they are concerned. There are 2 Isbar Roosters (adult) and 5 girls (1 adult, 4 juvies). I don't even know how many birds I have anymore. Bad chicken mommy, bad. I do know I have over a dozen chicks in the brooder room, couple of weeks old. Mostly BLRW with a few Cream Legbars thrown in. Oy. Probably have to get rid of a few of Joel's Welsummers, too. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. There just isn't enough time anymore to even get them up on KSL. If anyone wants any of these, let me know...
If you do a chicken train with some of them down to Utah County Area, I would be interested in a BLRW Pullet if you have any. I do have chicks from 2 weeks to 10 weeks old that she would be able to have friends with. I was thinking of getting 1 for my flock. Trying to get a rainbow coloring out there.

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