
I have some silkie eggs you can give her. Im sure if you make a trip this way you will end up with a dozen really good eggs for that broody! Everyone has something different.

That's so nice of you!! Eggs would certainly be the easiest to get from up North to back down here in St George, and Silkies are top of the family request list. But there's the rooster issue. We're allowed to have a rooster, but our neighbors are very close, and we're trying not to annoy them. On the other hand, I suppose the worst they can do is complain and then we deal with it if it comes up. I'm not too sure which way to go on this, to tell the truth.
Either way, I really appreciate the offer!
Hi! How far south are you? Hopefully I'll be hatching out a few chicks in a couple of weeks. You could have a couple of them. We have too many chickens lol.

Oh nvm i saw in one of your other posts. La Verkin huh? Not sure how far that is from Ephraim.

According to Mapquest, you're about 3 and a half hours from me - not too bad :) She's been broody for about three weeks, so if she's still broody in a few more, and we haven't come up with any solutions, I may take you up on the offer -- which I very much appreciate!
I would check with Christy. I think she has posted follow-up info on potential illness or treatments a time or two in newsletter emails she's sent. If you describe the symptoms of your birds & treatments you've tried, she may be able to give some helpful insight.

If they do have CRD, do remember the birds will be carriers for life & may infect future birds you get. I think if birds have a serious, hard-to-treat strain of CRD it might be good to cull them; but generally I wouldn't actually cull for middle-of-the-road CRD myself. Although I'd discuss the condition they have with anyone who I might consider selling an affected bird to, & I'd be careful when adding any new birds to my flock. You might think over your future plans for your flock in making decisions.
I will definitely check on that thank you! I don't really have the heart to cull chickens lol. My chicks however arw doing better except I'm still worried about my little welsummer, she likes to peck st the dirt with her eyes closed. Not really sure what that means. All my hens are ok except for 1 that still has a rattle in her chest. I'm starting her on tylan tomorrow if she isn't doing any better by then. On a side note I guess I'm going to start dojng chicks. Cynthia has been talking me into it for a few weeks lol. I decided I want to try that experience. Lets just hope my mother in law doesn't get to upset lol. She would learn to love them like she did with the pullets I got. I have a fun little group so far. 2 red sex links (daisy and reba who I got from Cynthia) 2 EE's bach bach and Lucille egg ( I love Lucille ball lol) 1 cochin bantam but unsure of what she is exactly. 1 black australorp 1 cuckoo maran 1 welsummer and 1barred rock. I told myself only 4 hens but now I'm up to 9 chickens and soon to be more. Oh man lol. Its a lot of fun though. I love variety. As soon as I can get a broody hen I'm going to raise partridge chukkars. Sundancenbare has 1 and I fell in love with it. Not to mention they will help keep the wild annoying birds away from my coop area.
Desert, I would like a couple of regular ol welsummers. Anyway to secure pullets? Lol. Topping my list of wants are some BCM's anyway i could get my hands on a couple of them? I've been needing to go up for some of Corvidae's legbars but havent been able to make the trip yet :(.
I will definitely check on that thank you! I don't really have the heart to cull chickens lol. My chicks however arw doing better except I'm still worried about my little welsummer, she likes to peck st the dirt with her eyes closed. Not really sure what that means. All my hens are ok except for 1 that still has a rattle in her chest. I'm starting her on tylan tomorrow if she isn't doing any better by then. On a side note I guess I'm going to start dojng chicks. Cynthia has been talking me into it for a few weeks lol. I decided I want to try that experience. Lets just hope my mother in law doesn't get to upset lol. She would learn to love them like she did with the pullets I got. I have a fun little group so far. 2 red sex links (daisy and reba who I got from Cynthia) 2 EE's bach bach and Lucille egg ( I love Lucille ball lol) 1 cochin bantam but unsure of what she is exactly. 1 black australorp 1 cuckoo maran 1 welsummer and 1barred rock. I told myself only 4 hens but now I'm up to 9 chickens and soon to be more. Oh man lol. Its a lot of fun though. I love variety. As soon as I can get a broody hen I'm going to raise partridge chukkars. Sundancenbare has 1 and I fell in love with it. Not to mention they will help keep the wild annoying birds away from my coop area.
Yeah! Glad to hear they are doing much better. Good luck with the chicks, they are addicting! But I'm glad that I should have all mine outside here in a week or so. Just waiting for the little BRLW to get alittle older before I move them out.
Yeah! Glad to hear they are doing much better. Good luck with the chicks, they are addicting! But I'm glad that I should have all mine outside here in a week or so. Just waiting for the little BRLW to get alittle older before I move them out.

I have mine out. I just have a light on her at night. But soon, and it sounds like real soon, they won't need that. We are heading into 3 digit weather here real soon. It will only be getting down into the mid 60's at night. That's what size bulb I had them under while in the house. So, your BLRW should do well outside soon even if you don't have a light for them. They can snuggle together. Unless it's older chicks your worrying about around them. That's a different story. :)
I will definitely check on that thank you! I don't really have the heart to cull chickens lol. My chicks however arw doing better except I'm still worried about my little welsummer, she likes to peck st the dirt with her eyes closed. Not really sure what that means. All my hens are ok except for 1 that still has a rattle in her chest. I'm starting her on tylan tomorrow if she isn't doing any better by then. On a side note I guess I'm going to start dojng chicks. Cynthia has been talking me into it for a few weeks lol. I decided I want to try that experience. Lets just hope my mother in law doesn't get to upset lol. She would learn to love them like she did with the pullets I got. I have a fun little group so far. 2 red sex links (daisy and reba who I got from Cynthia) 2 EE's bach bach and Lucille egg ( I love Lucille ball lol) 1 cochin bantam but unsure of what she is exactly. 1 black australorp 1 cuckoo maran 1 welsummer and 1barred rock. I told myself only 4 hens but now I'm up to 9 chickens and soon to be more. Oh man lol. Its a lot of fun though. I love variety. As soon as I can get a broody hen I'm going to raise partridge chukkars. Sundancenbare has 1 and I fell in love with it. Not to mention they will help keep the wild annoying birds away from my coop area.

Yep, here we are trying to figure out our chicken math Brian...welcome to the chicken math world.
I have mine out. I just have a light on her at night. But soon, and it sounds like real soon, they won't need that. We are heading into 3 digit weather here real soon. It will only be getting down into the mid 60's at night. That's what size bulb I had them under while in the house. So, your BLRW should do well outside soon even if you don't have a light for them. They can snuggle together. Unless it's older chicks your worrying about around them. That's a different story. :)
Its the Japanese Bantam, even though they will be in the grow out pen, the dang little JB can wiggle her way in, but she can't get back out. I don't know how she does it, I can't catch her in the act, she likes to go in there and be a bugger. And she is a real meanie when she wants to be. And she is so small, that's what gets me. My 4 week olds are bigger then her, and she still is a brat. Plus, my neighbor hopefully will be taking her chicks home with her soon, so it really will just be my 2 littles all by themselves.

Just found out how the little monster is getting in. The grow out pen is fully enclosed with a cover. But on the one end since I hang the water bucket down, there is a spot where there is maybe 2 inches for the rope to hang through. That little monster is so tiny, she is jumping up there, and climbing down the rope onto the bucket and then jumping down. I really need to film her. Little bugger, now she is in there chasing my neighbors 4 week old Buttercups all over the place. Guess I need to go outside and rescue them again!
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Haven't been on for a while. Hope everyone is doing okay in the heat, though the reprieve we've had the last couple of days has helped.

Brian, I wish I'd been able to get some of this Denegard to you
It's still here, if you need it. We can still arrange something.

Desert, sorry about the heat spike.

My blue Wyandotte finally went broody. She's the last of the three Wyandotte girls to get the hatching bug, and I had just ordered some more Icelandic eggs to put under my little EE (SBEL?), who would have in no way been able to take care of a full dozen eggs. It's working good so far. Anyway, I will get on to the picture blast, because I'm really not feeling well tonight and I need to go to bed.

My black Wyandotte, Angel, and her first chick. Look at this little butter ball!


A couple of my teens. See how squirrely that BSL's feathers are?

Angel out for a walk with the babies.

We like dirt.

My turkey hen, Betty, trying to coax her babies out of the carrier for the first time. I got this on video and will try to put it up soon.

Finally got 'em out. Two Black Spanish poults and a Narragansett - I wish that one had survived

Stevie, who is Angel's sister, sitting on her eggs. She has eight of them. Her buddy Lacey wanted to hang out, but Stevie didn't seem to like that idea.

The pen I'm working on. Not bad for scrap materials, I guess.

A more current picture of Betty and her two remaining poults, if you can see them there in the jungle.

One of Angel's chicks. They're both cockerels. The other look very RIR, but this one is going to be quite handsome.

And a picture of Flekka, just because she's so pretty.
Red, love the mama baby picture...the little butterball is adorable.

Is Flekka the tiny tot you got from me by chance? Pretty either way. :)

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