
I have 4 silkie eggs so far if anyone is interested. I hope to have a couple more in a a few days. Looks like maybe a 75% hatch rate so far from what i have sold and hatched.
themadchicken wanted me to post my Silkie Photo's on the forum to see what you guys think of these colors. I can't figure out what color they are and no help from the Silkie Thread. I love them all, but I'm thinking I have 2 Roos, so if anyone wants one of these Roos, please let me know. They are 8 weeks old. Any guesses on color and gender. Thanks!

#1-Smallest, pretty sure its a Pullet, was a chipmunk pattern as a baby

#2-thinking this is my other Pullet

#3-Largest one, and I'm pretty sure this one is a Roo, I love his beard

#4-thinking this one is a Roo too, So sad I love the color

Karen your silkies are gorgeous! I have no idea on gender, I am infamously bad at keeping the boys and selling the girls.
Thanks, I think I'm going to keep them all till they start crowing just to be 100% sure, but I really think I'm planning on keeping the black and almost white one. I would love to keep the blue splash looking one too, but I'm afraid he is a boy, and the one with the buff coloring I'm almost certain is a roo, and love the coloring. But he is huge compared to the others. I had to bring them in the house to get them to just stand still for a minute, and I can't believe the weight difference in them. That fluff really makes them look lighter or something then they really are. At least with the tank, the golden one. He is huge.

Ollie the Ostrich tail feathers are coming back in jet black. I love it. I need to get you some new photos of her with her tail. And your EE Pullet is doing great at my sisters house, she said that they are getting really big. So that is good.

My sister sent me this today, said it reminds her of me. Hmmm wonder why...
So with the temps getting up in the triple digits this weekend I pulled out my kids blow up waterslide for them to have some fun. But it made me think of the chicks. I have one of those tiny round plastic swimming pools, I usually put out for the dogs when it get super hot for them to play in. Do chickens like to have a small kiddie pool to play in with a few inches of water? Just wondering. It would be funny to watch them in a kiddie pool.

I know I have plenty of water around for them. I have 1 five gallon nipple water under the huge pine tree, 1 two gallon nipple water in their run/coop, and then there is 2 one gallon fountains placed in the shaded corners of the free range, so they have plenty of spots to get a drink, all in the shade 100% during the day. Just didn't know if there was anything else I could do to help them stay cool in hot temps.
Desert, I would like a couple of regular ol welsummers. Anyway to secure pullets? Lol. Topping my list of wants are some BCM's anyway i could get my hands on a couple of them? I've been needing to go up for some of Corvidae's legbars but havent been able to make the trip yet
LOL... we can only hope they'll be pullets. I'll hold two Welsummers for you.then. Did you want them from this coming hatch?

Haven't been on for a while. Hope everyone is doing okay in the heat, though the reprieve we've had the last couple of days has helped.

Brian, I wish I'd been able to get some of this Denegard to you
It's still here, if you need it. We can still arrange something.

Desert, sorry about the heat spike.

My blue Wyandotte finally went broody. She's the last of the three Wyandotte girls to get the hatching bug, and I had just ordered some more Icelandic eggs to put under my little EE (SBEL?), who would have in no way been able to take care of a full dozen eggs. It's working good so far. Anyway, I will get on to the picture blast, because I'm really not feeling well tonight and I need to go to bed.

My black Wyandotte, Angel, and her first chick. Look at this little butter ball!


A couple of my teens. See how squirrely that BSL's feathers are?

Angel out for a walk with the babies.

We like dirt.

My turkey hen, Betty, trying to coax her babies out of the carrier for the first time. I got this on video and will try to put it up soon.

Finally got 'em out. Two Black Spanish poults and a Narragansett - I wish that one had survived

Stevie, who is Angel's sister, sitting on her eggs. She has eight of them. Her buddy Lacey wanted to hang out, but Stevie didn't seem to like that idea.

The pen I'm working on. Not bad for scrap materials, I guess.

A more current picture of Betty and her two remaining poults, if you can see them there in the jungle.

One of Angel's chicks. They're both cockerels. The other look very RIR, but this one is going to be quite handsome.

And a picture of Flekka, just because she's so pretty.
Love your pics Red!!!!
Thanks for the hug... it was pretty heartbreaking losing that many to something so stupid

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