
Whitney, so good to see you yesterday. Oh to be young and beautiful again like yourself, how would that be? I don't feel any different inside, so maybe it would seem the same. lol... You are a pretty girl, inside and out. Yep!

Hey, what ever happened to Karen? Haven't seen her in a long while. I miss her. :/

Well, all of my bators off at once! That's a first in months. All done for the winter. I have some Seramas to watch and see who I will keep. They are changing already. Will be fun to watch. The one I had hatch and kept from last month is sooo pretty. Black and white. Hard to describe the pattern, but sure is pretty. Probably a boy, now, if it will just stay small small..and not crow lots and lots. Wishful thinking!
Got me a huge egg today..from my sex link. I love how they throw those doubles at you when they start to lay. Although, hers started out big, maybe they will be quite large all along.

Larger than the RIR's and the Leghorn. And they are big!
Cynthia, you are sweet. And congrats on the new egg! Looks like a whopper! I always love seeing your yard full of chickens.

I'm beginning to wonder if my Delaware has started laying. My black Wyandotte likes to lay in a certain spot behind the shed and has been laying once every two days, but this past week, I have gotten a small brown egg there from her (or them) every day. I'm going to start watching who is out there, and when. They are so similar in color and size, those eggs!

And, my OE weaned her chicks today. I found them out front under the rose bush, but mama out back bedded down in the bush with the other girls. So, the chickies are now in the garage, and I'm looking forward to more time with them so that they can be trained to be around humans
These are the three Sphinx hatched for me a while ago.
Whitney, so good to see you yesterday. Oh to be young and beautiful again like yourself, how would that be? I don't feel any different inside, so maybe it would seem the same. lol... You are a pretty girl, inside and out. Yep!

Hey, what ever happened to Karen? Haven't seen her in a long while. I miss her. :/

Well, all of my bators off at once! That's a first in months. All done for the winter. I have some Seramas to watch and see who I will keep. They are changing already. Will be fun to watch. The one I had hatch and kept from last month is sooo pretty. Black and white. Hard to describe the pattern, but sure is pretty. Probably a boy, now, if it will just stay small small..and not crow lots and lots. Wishful thinking!

can't wait to see what you end up with. My serama Roo crows all the time but its so soft you really can't hear it out of my yard. I asked the neighbors if they ever hear him they say no, they hear the hens singing the egg song but no crows. I caught him today to trim his claws. Seramas grow really long claws and his spurs were long and huge. I trimmed those too. Interesting because he would never use them even on another rooster. I also fave all of them their winter worming so I'll be tossing the eggs for a bit. I just want everyone healthy and fat before the really cold weather comes. They were all very put out with me as I caught each of them for a general exam before I wormed them. I couple were pretty bald still hope they feather up soon. Buzzard my almost bald chicken finally has most of her feathers back. she looks much better. We haven't heard from Aunt Hattie for a long time either.
Two of my young pullets are just starting to lay. These are from the two hens i got as chicks from Sundance when i bought her bantam RIR. They were only a couple days old when i got them. One is a sizzle and one is a white EE. The EE is the ones that a few of us have. White with a few black spots and lays a SBE. The sizzle lays a really light cream egg.

Here is Snowy and Spike's eggs.

still kind of small. left are one of my Silkies, middle is Snowy's, right is Spike's.
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Madchicken, I love the new eggs! Congrats.

I think I have two new layers, as well. Up until yesterday, I thought it was just my Delaware that had started laying. But today, I found a hidden nest of two big, pale brown eggs. My best guess is that it's one of my barnyard mixes out there. Her comb is pretty red, and the egg color would match up correctly for her. Dad was an Icelandic (white eggs) and my best guess is that mom was one of my Wyandottes.

Here's a picture of the two eggs from the hidden nest. They're next to a store bought large egg.

I was already happy that the Delaware might be laying. But these eggs knock it out of the park! The mix isn't exactly a huge girl, either.
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I hired someone to clean my coop. My thought was he would shovel out the bottom and put fresh bedding in. But no. He pulled everything out of the coop except the stuff that was nailed to the wall. After it was swept he got the shop vac and vaccumed it. He wanted to wash the walls and floor but I said no. Its suppose to to get cold the next few days and I didn't want the girls to get a chill since I have wormed them and did there Bi yearly delousing treatment. I do that routinely and have never had worms or lice. When I went to check on him he said this job made him realize he needed a job. I laughed when he said he had 2 phds and a masters and was cleaning coops. Of course the chickens are being very helpful and chasing the broom following him around so he has to be careful when he turns because they are right there. They they get on the roost and watch and won't move when he's trying to sweep under the roost. Pretty funny, Makes me laugh but ray does not think its funny.
sundance, that's a good thing to know about their claws, I've never had a problem with any of my girls having too long of nails. I know that some people need to trim the girls..I will be watching the boys now, when they get older.

Red..you and your chickens, always finding hiding places for your eggs! ha ha..maybe you can train this one that you know is laying out there, to go into the nest box. And..Pumpkin! My girls need some pumpkin. :)
My oh my it's windy outside! Like super crazy chickens are staying inside their coop which they almost never do windy. Their ramp blew down but I'm hesitant to go back out there (I was ready out there once closing their windows because it's *really* windy) because I'm already covered in a fine layer of dirt.

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