
hmmm, I'm thinking that "leghorn" with the black spots, could actually be a hamburg. They are small, but lay pretty good sized eggs. Not like a leghorn, but about a med. sized. Let us know how the broody takes..or doesn't take to the babies. Good luck!
I have one that's called an Austrawhite (could be spelling it wrong), that's a mix of Australorp and I believe a white leghorn. She's almost all white, with a few random black spots on her back - not a regular pattern. She's very sweet, isn't as flighty as a regular Leghorn (she'll let you hold her and she begs for treats). She lays about 5-6 medium/large white eggs a week. She's smaller than some of our other girls (RIR, sex links are all bigger). We named her Lily.

hope that helps!
ElkMtnCove--Glad you have some food options. I don't imagine some layer feed would be bad if combined with other feeds, cuz the total calcium wouldn't be so high.
Have you tried putting the chicks under hens yet? If not, I would SOON. I think you'll have the best chance the younger they are. I think you do have a better chance of success in the middle of the night. An alternative would be to during the day put the broody somewhere very dark for an hour or two, & then try slipping chicks under her & keeping it dark another couple hours. I'm not sure but maybe keeping the new mom & babies in confined area together without the rest of the birds may help in adoption, too?? However, if the hen doesn't take to them that perhaps could increase risk of harm?
Best wishes!
Hello, all. I am in West Haven and am looking for someone to share a shipment of ducklings with in the spring. I think I have decided on Sand Hill Preservation Center since they have all the ducks I am wanting. Anyone game on sharing a shipment? They have a minimum order of 15 and I only want about half that amount. PM me if you are interested.

I have one that's called an Austrawhite (could be spelling it wrong), that's a mix of Australorp and I believe a white leghorn. She's almost all white, with a few random black spots on her back - not a regular pattern. She's very sweet, isn't as flighty as a regular Leghorn (she'll let you hold her and she begs for treats). She lays about 5-6 medium/large white eggs a week. She's smaller than some of our other girls (RIR, sex links are all bigger). We named her Lily.

hope that helps!

That's EXACTLY what I have! Looked the pic up on Cackle! Thank you!
Now I really hope the one w/out spots from the same bin develops the black spots as she grows, that'd be fun...but she's so speedy I think she is a true leghorn. We picked her out tho because she came running up to us so we figured she wanted to come lol.
Well would you know the two broodys aren't spending all the time in the nest box anymore! Last few months they haven't left and we still haven't seen an egg from them.

So Izzy was in the box and we tried w/the two white chicks. She seemed to enjoy them under her but once them came out it was time to pull the little girls out or she would have hurt them. She didn't motherly try to tuck them under her.

I love your suggestion and we going to try it with the other hen tonight in the garage where we can keep an eye - and in a huge dog kennel that chicks can't slip through. She's a banty cochin and we all know those are queens of broody. (Izzy is a red pyle game). Skittles (the cochin) has been broody longer and hope it works and that we're not too late.

Great advice, thanks again!
Heres what I have that I need to get rid of. Please somebody email me soon to take some of these guys off my hands!!!

1 15-20 week old Birchen Cochin Rooster.-Very friendly, big, and gentle. ----FREE!!!

2 Brassy Back Rosecomb bantams. I have no clue about the genders.-----5$ each.

2 Male ducks. 1 Pekin and 1 Cayuga. Full grown and fun to watch
-----20$ for both (OBO)

and many many baby chicks. About 4-5 weeks old. From very cool mixed breeds. Hatched them myself. Email me for breeds they might be. --5$ each.

Thank you so much! I need these guys gone ASAP! Email me soon! [email protected]

If anyone would like an update to my saga regarding the feces eating chicks rescued from a local feed store. Here is a link to my newest problem:


The short story is that they were supposed to be seven female brown leghorns. Five are boys and they are obviously not brown leghorns. We are thinking they are bantam golden campines. The one breed I SWORE I'd never, ever, ever in a million years get again.

Does anyone want a neurotic, flighty bantam rooster(s)?

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