
HELP!!!!! I have two eggs that have pipped on the very base, like where they are touching the floor of the bator. Is that bad?

Nope. Not bad! :) It will be just fine. The little pip just allows oxygen to enter the air space in the egg, allowing for the chick to adjust its lungs to breathing air for a little while. Whether it is on the base doesn't matter. Once they get enough energy, they will start unzipping as Cynthia mentioned.

If a chick pips in the middle or bottom of the egg (opposite of the air sac), you should watch those more carefully... If they pipped in or near the air sac section of the egg, this means they first had an internal pip where they breathed in the air in the little sac. Once that air is all used up, the carbon dioxide causes their muscles to spasm. This allows them to puncture the egg and start breathing normal air!

So, to make a short answer long... no, don't be worried. :)
Nope. Not bad! :) It will be just fine. The little pip just allows oxygen to enter the air space in the egg, allowing for the chick to adjust its lungs to breathing air for a little while. Whether it is on the base doesn't matter. Once they get enough energy, they will start unzipping as Cynthia mentioned.

If a chick pips in the middle or bottom of the egg (opposite of the air sac), you should watch those more carefully... If they pipped in or near the air sac section of the egg, this means they first had an internal pip where they breathed in the air in the little sac. Once that air is all used up, the carbon dioxide causes their muscles to spasm. This allows them to puncture the egg and start breathing normal air!

So, to make a short answer long... no, don't be worried. :)
I am just a bit worried because they look like they are in the middle, not near the air sac. :( Are their toenails doing that??
I just noticed one of my chicks has "curly toe". I have never had this problem with chicks incubated by a hen. This only my second hatch with my Mini Advance. My first hatch i had a chick with cross beak, this also is a first for me. I cant help the cross beak but the new little one is sporting a new pair of medical tape shoe. I think I'm more worn out from trying to get its toes straight then it is from the torture.
That's to bad only one hatched. I had 6 out of the 7 hatch last night You are welcome to come and get one or two of mine. I'm in Lehi, not to far from Bountiful. They are all ready eating and drinking. They are all kind of small the rooster is a Silkie and the hens are a bantam RIR and a white EE that some were in her heritage is a bantam cause she is only a medium size hen that only lays a medium light blue egg. But there is a chance that one of the ones i would be willing to part with is from a small frizzle Cochin. 

That would be awesome! Lehi isn't too far at all! When would be a good time to come out?
Do you have any Sweetgrass turkeys? I am looking to buy some fertile eggs.

I don't, unfortunately. I have heard some good things about them. I have two BS toms that are destined for the table and a hen that we *think* is Standard Bronze. I know Thebirdguy (Shawn) usually has fertile eggs for his BS, RP, and Narragansetts. He's in Idaho Falls.

Silly, don't worry. Your broody sounds normal to me :) several of my hens pluck their bellies when they go broody, and it's normal for their combs to shrivel up while setting. So I wouldn't worry. I put a water dish in where my girls can reach it, if they need. And I bring them food. They get room service, lol.

I made a tiny chicken!!!!! YAY!!!!
Congrats on the babies!!!!!

Karen, I'm sorry, I had to skip a few pages. Were you able to find fertile eggs? If not, I'd be happy to give you some. I'll be in WJ this evening.
I am amazed at my strength. I just spent all morning remodeling a cat breeding pen in to an extended run for my seramas. My two show girls will be here on Tuesday and I wanted everyone to have extra room. I could not do that last year. If you guys remember I spent most of my time in the hospital. Also because of my asthma I'm still not allowed to clean my house. If anyone in the Salt Lake area wants to earn a bit of money let me know

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