
Lets talk showing chickens. I am getting ready to enter some chickens in the fair. I bought some numbered leg bands and I want to know are Barnvelders accepted by the APA? Can you show Frizzles? One time many years ago I had a trio of white Cochins I was going to show at the Utah state Fair. I gave them a bath and thought on the horses I washed with the blueing shampoo to make the white really white BUT IR WAS HAIR. CHICKENS HAVE FEATHERS AND GUESS WHAT they went light purple. The feather shafts absorbed the blueing and so I had purple white cochins. I entered them anyway and everyone had a good laugh at my expense, so this year when they get a bath no blueing

That made me laugh=)

Sounds like fun all you that are hatching more eggs!! Those Mille Fleurs sure are pretty!! Yes, Cynthia, I have the FBCM's you hatched, and guess what, I think they are both little pullets=) And of the 2 remaining EE's, I'm thinking one is a boy and one is a girl.. It's really interesting to see the difference between them... One's body looks more like a Leghorn, but it has Amer characteristics, slate legs, tufts, etc...And the other looks more like an Amer with a pea comb, but yellow legs... It will be really interesting to see what they end up looking like...

Speaking of EE's, Moriah has some chicks I'm trying to get... proving to be a little tricky... Lisa can pick them up from Red's area on Tuesday when she is there... I hear Sundance might be going to Orem next week?? Or is anyone coming up from that area that would be by Red before Tuesday?? Lisa will babysit them for me till I can come get them or someone else comes up this way... Ideas anyone??

Oh, and I sold my 3 older cockerels! Woo-Hoo!! Now I'm down 5 just in time for Lisa to bring me 3 more=) Can't wait!!

Raining here again.. loving it, but wow it's humid when the sun comes out!! Reminds me of when we lived in FL...
Joybells did the orp ever lay?
Nope I've still only gotten one egg a day. Once I get a few more hens she'll probably end up on the dinner table. It's a shame, 'cause she's so funny to watch. Sometimes I think she catches the grasshoppers just to feed the delaware chick, who's looking suspiciously pink in the face.
I need to get a better picture of it one of these days.
Re: oyster shell--my girls LOVE egg shell, if I ever use an egg, I save the shell, in a little bowl on my windowsill. When it dries out i crush it up and put it in their food. I read someone on here toasts them in the toaster oven a few minutes. They always pick it out first thing and gobble it all up. I read that they prefer egg shell to oyster shell and you can add it to their food.....so far it has worked, I have nice strong shells on my eggs so far. I hope adding it right to there food won't hurt them. They get oyster shell in a little tray in the coop nailed to the wall, and I have two that eat that pretty well and I have never seen the others try it so far.
What are you doing with your eggs??? IF you ever USE an egg... you save the shell.... where are all the ones you don't use?
Lisa, I hesitate to contact anyone uninvited, but I am getting worried about her. I'll let you know.

Dalooras, if there's any possible chance that I'll be going south before Tues, I'll let you know. I have absolutely no problem holding some chicks for you, too, if someone else can get them to my area.

Sundancen, the purple chickens made me laugh. Now that's what lavender ought to look like!

Speaking of showing, is anyone planning on showing animals at the fair this year? (Shoot, when is the fair, anyway?) I've really been wanting to go, and if anyone has chickens or otherwise there, I'd like to know so I can stop and see them.

So my chickens decided they were going to let themselves out today without me. I looked out the back door for a moment and saw this cute little Mourning Dove at the bottom of our hill, which made me smile. I love those. Then, I see this little black thing go running through the garden behind it. What registered in my head was, "What the heck is Agnes doing out?!" I hustled out there and found, to my dismay, that not only was Agnes running around, but so was the rest of Steve's group - minus Steve. Poor guy is too big to squeeze through the gap the others must have used to escape. So, he was left in the run with the "old ladies". How awkward for poor Steve! I ended up just letting everyone out, anyway. And then I blocked those holes, ha!
Red, I want to take the showgirl to the Logan Fair. If she is not big enough, then maybe one of my Ameraucanas. If I can find one with a nice fluffy tail. Shirlee picked at a few. I think my White Rock is really nice too, maybe her. She is big and fluffy and solid white, with the really red face, she is purdy :) Wont go to SLC though, too far to drive with work and no time off.
Hi everybody....it's been a few months since I was on this group. Let's just say it personally hasn't been the best two months and leave it at that. I know it's been a while since the last messages I read were in the 500's...so I am way behind. But wanted to post some of the eggs we have been getting from our Americana and the sex links. They are up to about four eggs a day. Only one of the Americana's is laying and we have one sex-linked who hasn't joined in yet but we will see what happens in the next week. Blue egg is Speckles, light tan is Bertie, Blondie and Lilith laid the darker eggs. We have had couple of membrane eggs too so not sure if that is someone's first attempt. If so, how long does that go on? We are feeding layer food and have oyster shell mixed in so I'm assuming that it isn't a calcium deficiency.

I have enjoyed and envied some of the pictures...nice, eclectic group of chickens here. Wish we could have more than six but that chicken math does that to you if you don't watch out!! Have a great day, chickenmom

Table 2.
Causes of shell quality problems.
A. Odd shaped

  1. Inherited
  2. Disease: Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, Egg Drop Syndrome 76
  3. Age of hens: incidence is higher in older hens
B. Thin, porous or shell-less

  1. Inheritance influences porosity and ability to produce strong shells
  2. Lack of sufficient calcium, phosphorus, manganese or vitamin D3
  3. Vitamin D2 mistakenly substituted for D3
  4. Excess phosphorus consumption, especially by older hens
  5. Ingestion of sulfanilamide (sulfa drugs)
  6. Disease: Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, Egg Drop Syndrome 76
  7. Hens exposed to temperature over 85-90°F
  8. Age of hens: incidence higher with older hens
  9. Premature laying of the egg
C. Rough or abnormal shell texture

  1. Inherited
  2. Newcastle disease or infectious bronchitis
  3. Excessive use of antibiotics
  4. Excess calcium consumption by the hens
  5. Copper deficiency
D. Mottled shells

  1. Primarily caused by high or low extremes in humidity
  2. Inherited
  3. Manganese deficiency
  4. Artificially induced
E. White strain layers producing tinted eggs
  1. Primarily inherited.
F. Yellow shells
  1. Extended use of high levels of certain antibiotics
G. Tremulous or loose air cells
  1. Newcastle disease
  2. Infectious bronchitis
  3. Rough handling of eggs
  4. Eggs stored large end down
H. Depigmented brown shell
  1. Infectious bronchitis
  2. High stress in the flock
  3. Egg Drop Syndrome 76

I just found this information on the forum that talks about the cause of egg problems including shell-less eggs. If you want to look at the whole thing it is : http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ps020
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Red, I want to take the showgirl to the Logan Fair. If she is not big enough, then maybe one of my Ameraucanas. If I can find one with a nice fluffy tail. Shirlee picked at a few. I think my White Rock is really nice too, maybe her. She is big and fluffy and solid white, with the really red face, she is purdy
Wont go to SLC though, too far to drive with work and no time off.
I was pondering taking a chicken or two to the Logan fair, but I don't know who I'd take. I don't think any of my big girls are really show quality, and the rest of my stuff is still too young. There's always next year, I guess. *sigh* I'll be there to support you if you put any of your chickens in, Lisa! I've got to go support BluJems and Slvrphoenix and their goats, too.

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