
Sad news Lisa! I'm so sorry that happened. Poor little little. Sending a big hug your way.

Sphinx your little girl is a doll! I love that picture. Cutest little smile. Emily (Emeril) looks like she (he) is telling her something in her ear that she thinks is funny. Just the cutest. I love the quilts! How do you find the time to do all that you do? Wow!

So today Whittni another BYCer came an got one of my little white Silkie hens. I'm so glad she is going to Whittni. Whittni is hopefully going to show her. That is assuming all her feathers fill in good. I just have to many little broodies. Thanks Whittni you are a sweetheart and you know your stuff when it comes to Silkies.

So I have one Silkie that has gone broody under a bush and she will not let me move her into the coop. She pretty much tries killing herself to get back out to the bush. So we are letting her stay there. She is very well hidden and has fencing that is 6 feet high all around where she is but I'm still worried about cats. Especially since we have had all this talk about ferral cats on here. She is right out my bedroom window so I have been leaving my window open a crack so I can hear if anything starts to happen. Sure hope she will be ok.
Oh and I candled the Maran egg Birdguy sent back with me and it has a chick growing inside.
Could barely see it but it was there. I'm all stressed about that egg because everyone has talked about how difficult they are to hatch. I only have one so I'm guessing it won't make it. All the mixed eggs that the broodies have are looking good and so are the Icelandics eggs.

Sundancen so sorry about your bad bout of bronchitis. I hope you get better soon. That stuff is the worst to have.
Iddy made it home safe and she's in her run, in the chicken run. Its kinda weird that its like my silkies already knew her, there isn't any fighting through the fence, yet. She has also shown a strong interest in my old english banty rooter, Otis:


I will try to follow this thread. Hattie: These are what my silkies look like:

Hahaha Well she has never seen a rooster before. Love that!! So happy she is in her new home. Whittni I love your Silkies. Very pretty partridges. Is that a silver one? I'll keep in touch on the Silkie thread too.
Oh and I candled the Maran egg Birdguy sent back with me and it has a chick growing inside.
Could barely see it but it was there. I'm all stressed about that egg because everyone has talked about how difficult they are to hatch. I only have one so I'm guessing it won't make it. All the mixed eggs that the broodies have are looking good and so are the Icelandics eggs.

Can't remember if you had the icelandic and maran eggs in an incubator or under a broody... I would consider sticking them under the broody if they aren't.. I have had my best hatch rates for both icelandics and marans under a broody.. (hard to beat mother nature!!)
Alright, fine. You know what? I give up. I'll only ever raise extremely mean animals from now on. Someone's dogs got into the yard last night and ate the other turkey.

I'd love to have a Silkie in every color if they would just not all go broody. They are great little moms though and their feathers get so pretty when they go broody. Especially on their feet.

Red how does this keep happening?! I'm so sorry.
We all need to get together and build you a 10 foot high fence. With barbed wire at the top! So sorry.
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