
Daloorashens, Your Olive Egger looks very content :) She has the biggest muffs of the bunch, pretty girl! Glad they are doing well.

I made it back, after meeting my new super cute friend (with such a great smile!) and bird shuttling....Mesha you and I share the chicken bug BIG time lol I loved meeting you. AND guess what ?????? I came back with NOTHING for myself from Birdguy :D :D :D :D :D
Seriously. ALmost a goat, I was really thinking for a few minutes, and thought it would not fit in my car so no way lol. I did however bring back a little turkey male for a BYC friend, and it is very cute!

So about the barn. ..... :eek:
That is something else. There were a dang lot of birds in there, and outside, and on roosts, and brooding in bins, and (pheasants was it?) in the field in another run. There was a puffed up BLRW hen sitting on 16 eggs?! If anybody needs to buy a chicken, well they will not run out anytime soon! I am VERY envious of that barn, and I learned alot, thanks to Birdguy who answered all my questions abouts pigs and goats and birds. :) And the new little baby fit right in under the broody I heard, so that is awesome! I got to see FONZIE, my baby! (For those of you who are new, Fonzie was my lavender Ameraucana chick that turned out to be a roo, hatched by Cynthia, Sphinx had 2, I had 2, Cynthia had 1 that SPhinx has now because one of hers was also a boy that was rehomed.) And he was being such a good boy. He still has not crowed. He was so pretty though, very regal looking I must say, I hope he stays sweet. My son was persisting on holding him, I think Fonzie was thinking "Awwww NOW I remember you guys...."!

Thanks for the tour Birdguy!
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Ok now a seperate post for the sad news. One of my polish babies from Hattie did not make it through the day while I was gone! So sad. It is the one I thought might be a blue girl for hattie......it honestly looks like it got trampled.....I switched the babies around this morning after taking out the birds to take to Idaho, and I think my Showgirl just squashed it...it looks like it got pecked and sat on, so I had to sadly take her little flat body out of there and it was really sad. I am kicking myself for not leaving them in the two seperate brooders, there were only 6 chicks and the SHowgirl.....and I put the Showgirl in there with the babies because she was bawling this morning being in a brooder by herself after I took her two teenage friends out to bring to idaho, so I thought I would combine them, the brooders are pretty big..... I felt sorry for her and thought the babies would keep her company---last time i tried it she was super mean when they approached the feeder, but this morning she was ok. I should have watched a little longer or waited until I could supervise them ;( Live and learn I guess. She is back seperate for the night, then will have to go to the teenage cage inside the run tomorrow, there are more her size out there. Hopefully the rest of the babies will be ok! They look unharmed and seemed relieved when I took her out. She might be mad/lonely for the night but she will be ok.
Poor little polish baby :(

was reading through, and saw Sundance is not doing well....i sure hope you get better soon girl! Sphinx---pretty quilts, you are amazing....and your girl is just so cute, what a great pic :) And Chiko congrats on those eggs!....
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Cynthia, guess what? You will never believe what I found in my nest box. Sindie, and Fanny are both broody and setting in the SAME nest on 20 eggs. I have no clue how 20 eggs got there though. Fanny had set first for a few days then I get home today and find Sindie cuddled tightly next to fanny. So cute, I have to get some pictures and show you. So cute!

Yes, pictures! They aren't fertile are they? I may have some chicks for you soon if you want. EE's. I won some eggs, not the color I was hoping for, but they will be nice egg layers, they are huge!
Good to see you here!
Awww Lisa, I'm sorry about your Polish
I'm glad you made it home safely and that you got to meet Dalooras and say hello to Birdguy again.

Sundancen, not to beat a dead horse, but I hope you're alright.

Sphinx, very nice quilts! I love the pink one, especially. Cute picture of your little girl, too! That isn't the RIR that was supposed to be a GLW, is it?
I know, I've been really worried about Corvidae too. I'm hoping that by the time I come to the end of this thread, she's checked in. darn it, caught up, and no word.

Sundance, I'm literally howling with laughter over your purple cochins. I've contemplated entering birds at the fair, but I worry about the stress of being exposed to all of those people. Plus, it seems like they usually want trios, and I never have three of one breed, let alone three who are a gorgeously matched set. Which fair are you thinking about entering? Salt Lake County? Good luck on your hatch; I bet that'll be gorgeous. Oh my, I'm sorry your bronchitis is getting so bad. Did you manage to stay out of the hospital? Do you need anything?

Moriah, that EE is gorgeous. I love that tshirt quilt, especially the design you used for the quilting. I quilt. I actually entered two kaleidoscope quilts in my town's heritage days. They're beginner, novice quilts, but my kids love them. I'm working on a really pretty LeMoyne Star kaleidoscope quilt now. Here's the two quilts I entered:

I'd second the humane trap. If gunshots are heard, it could get you in trouble. I believe in Salt Lake area, if you catch a cat in a live trap, you can call animal control and tell them you have a trapped cat, and they'll come pick it up. Keep it in a shady spot in the front yard with some water so you don't get in trouble for animal cruelty.

Daloorashens, congrats on your new chicks, they sound amazing. I think I need another FBCM or three.

For fun, here's a picture I took tonight of my 7 year old with Emily (who I should really rename Emeril, but I'm still too sad that it's a cockerel to fully accept it just yet). Her dolphins fell off her cast (ironically, while swimming- sticker dolphins don't swim), so I repainted. Her cast comes off Tuesday; she's really excited.
Thanks for concern. Going to Dr at 1130 will see what he says. The fair likes all kinds of entries not just trios. You daughter is darling love the paint. Tell her I saw some dolphins in Alaska. They were really tiny and cute. I'll let you know what dr says I am going to be prepared to be admitted as I suspect pheumonia but we will see. At least Hosp has WIFI
Ok now a seperate post for the sad news. One of my polish babies from Hattie did not make it through the day while I was gone! So sad. It is the one I thought might be a blue girl for hattie......it honestly looks like it got trampled.....I switched the babies around this morning after taking out the birds to take to Idaho, and I think my Showgirl just squashed it...it looks like it got pecked and sat on, so I had to sadly take her little flat body out of there and it was really sad. I am kicking myself for not leaving them in the two seperate brooders, there were only 6 chicks and the SHowgirl.....and I put the Showgirl in there with the babies because she was bawling this morning being in a brooder by herself after I took her two teenage friends out to bring to idaho, so I thought I would combine them, the brooders are pretty big..... I felt sorry for her and thought the babies would keep her company---last time i tried it she was super mean when they approached the feeder, but this morning she was ok. I should have watched a little longer or waited until I could supervise them ;( Live and learn I guess. She is back seperate for the night, then will have to go to the teenage cage inside the run tomorrow, there are more her size out there. Hopefully the rest of the babies will be ok! They look unharmed and seemed relieved when I took her out. She might be mad/lonely for the night but she will be ok.
Poor little polish baby

was reading through, and saw Sundance is not doing well....i sure hope you get better soon girl! Sphinx---pretty quilts, you are amazing....and your girl is just so cute, what a great pic
And Chiko congrats on those eggs!....

I have those polish pullets that are black with white top. if you want one let me know. If I am in Hosp hubby can meet you a resd tom if not I can meet u
Sundance, poor girl, glad you are at the doc and getting fixed up! Sheesh! I get the awful bronchitis frequently....seems like very cold turns into the bad cough, usually turns into bronchial pneumonia, it is awful. But the antibiotics really clear it up, and I use an inhaler with Albuterol, which helps. I know exactly how you feel, hope you feel better soon, I always tease about my abs improving with the bronchitis because my stomach muscles get so sore!

I will ask my son what he thinks about the Polish :) We are having bad luck with those.
Sundance, poor girl, glad you are at the doc and getting fixed up! Sheesh! I get the awful bronchitis frequently....seems like very cold turns into the bad cough, usually turns into bronchial pneumonia, it is awful. But the antibiotics really clear it up, and I use an inhaler with Albuterol, which helps. I know exactly how you feel, hope you feel better soon, I always tease about my abs improving with the bronchitis because my stomach muscles get so sore!
I will ask my son what he thinks about the Polish
We are having bad luck with those.

These guys are 9 weeks old. Pretty big and running free in my back yard. They love my DH and I have three si I can spare one
Oh, sorry about the polish baby, Lisa... It's so sad when you find their little bodies all flat like that... so what's up with the squished chickens, anyway?? Mine was squished, Red's was squished, Sundance's was squished, sounds like we need to do some kind of dance to improve their luck... sheesh..

And Lisa, I'm VERY impressed that you left there without anything for yourself... haha

Good luck at the doc sundance!!

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