
WARNING: whining and drama ahead!

Talked to my BF for a minute on the phone today. His near-ex and her lawyer have filed for an extension with the court, so we're looking at two more months, at the least. And she won't reveal any of her assets, but wants half the value of all of his stuff. Does anyone besides me see a huge red flag here? Because I sure hope the judge does
I guess the judge has ordered a phone conference on Monday between the two lawyers and himself. I just want this done.
So I promised pictures of my incubator... here's one... it's not the best because I can't get far enough away from it on that side to get the whole thing in the picture, the wall is in the way.. It is 3 feet wide, about 32 inches deep and high... the trays are bread trays from the grocery store and hold 12 dozen each..(I have another 18 pack of turkey eggs on the floor because I had them...) It took me an hour to get them all in... I have Icelandics, Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, Chocolate Ameraucanas, Various Orpingtons, my sex link projects, Marans, Naragansetts, Black Spanish and Penciled Palm turkeys...

Here's hoping it works well and we'll have a lot of chicks for Easter!!

And this is the reason im told i cant have an incubator. This really didn't help my argument. sigh.
WARNING: whining and drama ahead!

Talked to my BF for a minute on the phone today. His near-ex and her lawyer have filed for an extension with the court, so we're looking at two more months, at the least. And she won't reveal any of her assets, but wants half the value of all of his stuff. Does anyone besides me see a huge red flag here? Because I sure hope the judge does
I guess the judge has ordered a phone conference on Monday between the two lawyers and himself. I just want this done.
you can ask for anything, it's not a given you'll get it...some people must think everyone is like Alan on Two and a half Men
Now there's something I haven't hatched refamat. I have thought about it though. Maybe this summer. A lot of folks around here like having geese..that can. I can't. :( Hey, that little Miracle baby is doing really well. Behind in growth, but that little stink can move!! I think it's looking like a girl. I hope so! I put my hand in for treats, and it's right there, up on my hand first. Pretty cute.
well good on ya. Well, haven't heard back from the couple on putting their eggs in the incubator and running out of time on mine.
I have a Buff Orp sitting on turkey eggs. Just not sure how she'll manage, but saw her in with one of the turkey hens the other day. I think she can take care of herself against the amazon girls
That is so wonderful.  What are you doing with your beautiful home.  It will be a quite a change moving to wahweap after living in the foothills of pg.  The heat will fry you down there but enjoy Powell and everything.  Chickens will travel fine for 5 hours in the manner you described.  Do you have a secure coop?  Lots of wild critters down that way.  Keep in touch

Thanks Diana - I knew you would know! My brother has been staying with me and will stay on. Parents have their house on the market, and if it sells they will move in too, and neighbors who caught chicken bug might still use the barn. We'll be back and forth some, so if you need a chicken train WAY south, get hold of me. I expect job will last two-four years. We built this as our dream/retirement/move in parents if necessary home, so I'm hoping we'll be able to pull off keeping it.

I enjoy reading about your new projects!

WARNING: whining and drama ahead! Talked to my BF for a minute on the phone today. His near-ex and her lawyer have filed for an extension with the court, so we're looking at two more months, at the least. And she won't reveal any of her assets, but wants half the value of all of his stuff. Does anyone besides me see a huge red flag here? Because I sure hope the judge does
I guess the judge has ordered a phone conference on Monday between the two lawyers and himself. I just want this done.
Here is what the judge needs to say about this ridiculous postponement of the inevitable....
I sure hope this gets over soon for you. I think it has been going on for...well.....as long as I have known you. THAT IS TOO LONG! Too bad people do that to each other. It is so sad :/ Dragging it out helps no one for sure.
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Thanks Whitney, Cynthia, and Lisa. :) This is an adventure and I'm trying to have a good attitude. I enjoy watching your flocks progress!
Wow, you guys are so talkative!! I've tried to skim, but I fell hopelessly behind.

Moriah, I saw something about your possibly moving? I sure hope you can keep your dream house.

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